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RE: Midlife Crisis & Dragon Year: Ridin’ Or Dyin’…

in Rant, Complain, Talk7 months ago

Happy that the community is well used by you and others! I need to come up with titles for people that come here frequently, I’ve been slacking on that piece lately :D

The whole year of X type of thing, I’m a little skeptical of that but at the same time, I know there’s something to it and maybe it’s just that I don’t understand it well enough yet. The people who built the pyramids (not Egyptians, is my personal opinion, someone far older) were inextricably connected to all the astrological charts, alignment and those types of things. There’s definitely a lot to it that some people understand I just haven’t grasped them yet. I think my issue is there’s a lot of horse shit snake oil people that infect it for money or clout. Just gotta weed through the mess to find the good ones.

I think you will eventually figure out your path. I don’t remember if I told you but the dude who started KFC didn’t do it until after he was retired in his 60’s! I know the comparison is a little strange but you don’t know these things until it’s in front of you sometimes, and you can’t figure that out until it happens. Just keep swimming!


There’s definitely a lot to it that some people understand I just haven’t grasped them yet. I think my issue is there’s a lot of horse shit snake oil people that infect it for money or clout. Just gotta weed through the mess to find the good ones.

Absolutely. Well-said. Some very deep wells of knowledge... though also many amateur charlatans who've barely scratched the surface and/yet try using bits in ways completely distorted. But, "is what it is" - perhaps just part of "human nature," with same fractal dynamics present with all sorts of other things as well.

dude who started KFC didn’t do it until after he was retired in his 60’s

it's sorta weird how with music, looking back, usually its all kids in their teens & 20's who became the rock stars young - or even in the EDM & DJ worlds, all these youngins getting into producing and becoming stars like a year later... though in my case - well, i'm not quite so sure anymore big success like that is even the goal anymore as used to be, but nonetheless, can definitely see how it probably really will take decades for some of my best stuff to come out; how there are so many intricacies to the trio of composition, production & engineering that there's a complexity to certain aspects of what I feel needs to come out requiring all those years of skill development, experience, and mastery of the many different subsets of tools.

perhaps somewhat similarly with writing, too - more wisdom coming with age, more life experience & time observing larger patterns over time, more patience to slow down and articulate them properly, more space for certain ideas & messages to culminate.

fits my Human Design too, as a 6/2 - where the 6 lines really start coming out and potentially thriving at/after their Chiron return at 48. and in the meantime, I kinda am enjoying the hermitude & downtime - even if the mind takes longer to come to peace with it... 🍻