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RE: African echoes of hidden pages

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago (edited)

Sad to see you didn’t get any comments really..

I agree with you here and want to also expand that: the people who were at the top of the various pyramids of the centuries past have all done the same thing, whether it’s to the people from Africa or the people in America and other regions of the world. They have all burned and destroyed a cultures past. I think I read that the Spanish destroyed the various aspects of the cultural record of the Mayans and other native people when they landed in Mexico and South America. The burning of the library of Alexandria, the destruction of the Greek and Roman temples and libraries. All of this is insanity to people like you and I but it’s empire building and destroying to these power hungry psychos. They try desperately to annihilate a groups sense of identity and demoralize them. Destroying their identity is a huge part of that and enslaving them adds another layer of fuckery.

Sadly the same is occurring today, enslavement and history destruction. They are destroying countless books, datasets, internet pages and more to try to rewrite the historical record. Castro’s son in Canada is trying to say that he didn’t force anyone to take a medical procedure despite the nauseating amount of evidence to the contrary.

We live in strange times but the other thing to keep in mind is that this isn’t the only iteration of human civilization, this is only the most recent which we have records for. There have been vast swaths of empires in the past that we are starting to uncover some evidence for but don’t have a good grasp as to how or what they did. Gobekli Tepei in turkey is an excellent example, massive ruins from well over 10,000 years ago and we just uncovered it but it was built with very great skill and ability to show that humans have been quite technologically advanced for many thousands of years, likely technology we have no idea or concept of what they did. It’s remarkable to find this stuff!


I must say you are far too kind and also vast in this matter. It's also sad that the few power hungry ones are everly eager to destroy or hide records. Look in America where they are currently banning some historical books. It seems once a person/nation is caught in that web, her captors makes possible in keeping them blind and mad at the wrong thing.
Humans are more advanced that recent time, I believe. But someone is always waiting to hit reset