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RE: Is IT Dead Yet?

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

I got stung like a hornet from the sarcasm here! Bitch is still stinging! Lol

I think there’s far too little self responsibility these days, shit. People are always looking for someone to blame, something to tell them what to do, something to tell them yes do it or no don’t do it. I guess society goes through these ebbs and flows with a whole flock of pussies and a flock of people who are way too fucking badass. Eventually we will hopefully get back on the self responsibility track! I know that as kids we see things that we’ve experienced and our parents experienced and we try our best to do better. Eventually it swings the pendulum in the other direction, hopefully not too far.

There is little in life that is black and white! I think one of the only facts of life is if you fall down from something like a bed it’s going to hurt. Most other shit is questionable!


That's my sarcasm at low volume. 😏

Blame, nice point, you're quite right, people look to blame others for anything and everything. Being self-responsible leaves one in a position of holding oneself responsible, so maybe that's another reason it's a rare individual who chooses the lesser travelled path. It's always easier to pin blame anywhere else than take responsibility for oneself.

Sometimes falls don't hurt at all. I've fallen many times, once down an entire flight of stairs, with not even a bruise. So that's not even black and white, lol.

Thanks for popping by @cmplxty !