I wouldn’t necessarily call it climate change because one thing about the weather on earth is that it’s been very chaotic over the long span of time. Our lifetimes are tiny blips compared to long term trends on the planet and we may be having an effect on the planet but it’s more pollution of land and soil than changing of the weather.
I’ve been listening a lot lately to Bjorn Lomberg, he’s been a very honest and pragmatic voice for the situation that’s going on right now and we have to be careful to not get caught in the trap that is being set. Do not mistake that there will be severe consequences on you and I, not the actual polluters, if we let this farce of “climate change” continue and usher in carbon taxes and other nonsense. There are far more pragmatic and proper solutions to improve things on the planet.
The other thing I’ve personally thought, which isn’t backed by science of course but just my anecdotal observations, is that the seasons appear to be shifting clockwise a bit. Winter lasts a little bit longer but starts a bit later. Same with spring and summer and then fall. I think what may be occurring is a shift in seasons which would be interesting to say the least. Thankfully with plants, they are more focused on the temperatures and rainfall but what I wonder if that does occur, what does that mean for daylight hours and plants as I’m sure one of the factors for them is how long daylight hours last.
That my be true where you live, but not here, so I disagree with you. Seasons don't appear to be shifting clockwise a bit, but disappearing slowly. We used to have four seasons and that was the case for years. Now we have 3 as spring is one week if we're lucky, or two. This is terrible for agriculture as we start late most of the time due to cold and then one day you have 5 degrees, the next day you have 20. This is when all your seedlings get burnt because they didn't have time to get used to strong sun.
Summer is not longer, ends when it used to end and then we have a long autumn, and a very mild winter, that slowly can be qualified as autumn, if we continue like this.