I think this feminism wave that’s afflicted the western countries is a way to do a few things that are overall destructive for the human family unit that’s worked well for thousands of years.
I don’t have an issue with a woman who wants to work, do something they feel is important however the truth of the matter is, is that only a woman can get pregnant. I don’t give a fuck what these psychopaths and Marxist assholes try to say about trans shit. Only a biological woman can get pregnant and the sperm needs to come from a biological man.
The push for feminism I think is a way to destroy the family unit and increase the tax base. If two people are working full time that means that’s double the taxes they will pay. That also means that someone else will be taking care of any kids they have most often. That means their values won’t really be adequately passed down to their children as someone else has them for most of the days.
Without writing too much I think this is the cause for this irrational push for crazy feminism. I think a woman’s job is FAR more important than a man’s job in the household in many regards. The men are good at providing for the family so they have money for food and other things but raising the children in a good, respectful but self reliant way is so important. Too many people are being raised as fucking fragile snowflakes these days and it’s a damn shame and going to be the destruction of our society if we don’t correct that shit.
You said it all 💯