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RE: Democracy on the Line

in Rant, Complain, Talk5 months ago

I’m a Ron Paul guy the more I age than anything.

I think you may be potentially blinded by the fact that the massive corporate donors have switched sides. It used to be republicans that got the giant businesses but now it’s by far the democrats and it’s taking a lot of people by surprise but also as many identify with the party more than the candidates, they are unprepared to face the truth that the left is not what you think it is.

Can I also say that this is all bullshit - left, right, democrat, republicans. It’s all a farce. We are fucking Americans regardless and that is supposed to be above all. We can disagree on things for various reasons but at the end of the day we all live here and we have FAR more in common than we do not in common. Sadly this two party shit is the ultimate control mechanism - much easier to get people to fight if it’s just two sides and no options. If there’s 5 sides then it’s not as easy to control people.

I think the issue as well is people keep calling this a democracy. It’s not it’s a republic and that’s sadly forgotten.

At the end of the day, the average citizen loses either way because of these two pre-selected candidates. I have a little hope that if Trump wins we lose slower than if Harris does. Harris is an abysmal chameleon and has zero substance. No policies that are good and her own, she’s actually copied a lot of Donald’s which is comical and kind of pathetic.

I’m wondering - do you have an issue right now that the country is absolutely NOT run by the president? He is clearly compromised, mentally and physically. It really disturbs me that the facade of a president is pushed so heavily but we have one right now that is so incompetent that he lets his wife run meetings that historically have only been a presidential task. He’s sleeping around 4PM which is a clear sign of “sun-downing” in dementia patients. If we get attacked at 3am, is that failing human going to be able to step up? Absolutely not. The managerial class is running the country right now and it’s actually quite terrifying because they are NOT elected for that task - yet they do it. I know there are hundreds and thousands of appointees that are needed to run the day to day so it gets managed regardless but at least with others, there is a semblance of ruling where this dude is completely toast.


Wow! You are angry.

 5 months ago (edited) 

I don't know if I would call it angry, I am tired of the gaslighting and intentional destruction of the country. It's the uniparty at the end of the day, and who is the current spokesperson of it. Harris is the current spokesperson and will be replaced by some other shmuck.

We are having everything siphoned off of us. Hundreds of billions to a country like Ukraine - yet Maui residents get 750$ to compensate them for the fucking destruction of their entire life? North Carolina residents the same? Ohio people got basically nothing after the destruction of the chemicals from the train.

I am tired of the citizens being dead last in terms of priority for their well being and stability. Harris and her ilk have offered absolutely nothing except abortions and some foolish words that mean nothing at the end of the day. Harris has ZERO substance to her policies and strategies, that is what disturbs me the most. "How are you going to control food prices?" is a basic question, yet we get a non-answer. Price controls, by the way, are a communist strategy and fail every single time.

Hello @complexity,

I can't respond to broad, generalized statements--ex: gaslighting and intentional destruction of the country; citizens being dead last in terms of priority for their well being and stability--but when you raise specifics I can look into that.

  • Maui residents get 750$

I checked the FEMA site. As of August, 2024, these are the numbers:"To date, FEMA has approved over $56.1 million to help 7,141 people recover through the Individual Assistance program, including more than $33.8 million for Housing Assistance and more than $22.2 million for Other Needs Assistance paid directly to survivors." Also, "on track to provide approximately $3 billion towards Maui wildfire recovery. This includes more than $1.3 billion in mission assignments to expedite recovery through debris removal and disposal, temporary housing, school construction, and infrastructure repair." There might be issues with accounting and distribution, but no amount of figure fiddling would bring the sum down to $750.

  • North Carolina residents the same?

As of Oct 16, 2024, these are the numbers from the FEMA site. " More than $100 million in FEMA individual assistance has been approved for North Carolina households affected by Tropical Storm Helene." Also, "FEMA has made individual assistance available to 39 North Carolina counties and tribal members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.
FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program has approved over $102 million including: $18.6 million to help homeowners and renters to pay for emergency home repairs, home replacement or other housing needs. $83.6 million to help with other serious disaster-related needs, like moving expenses, childcare and disaster-related dental, medical or funeral expenses". Again, one can manipulate numbers, but no way that would turn out to be $750 per person.

Additionally, you write that Harris, et al.:

  • have offered absolutely nothing except abortions

You out of hand dismiss a profoundly important issue. You dismiss what for many is the single most important issue in this election. The impact of the Dobbs decision (result of Trump's deliberate policy) has shaken women across the nation. It not only endangers the health of every woman of child-bearing age (who may become pregnant), but even has extended to potential travel restrictions. It affects not only women, but their daughters, nieces and grandchildren. It affects the men who are related in some way to these women. The ramifications of Dobbs are life-altering.

I don't like arguing. It's why I didn't become a lawyer. I'm a peaceful, deliberate person, but I do have passionately held beliefs. For a more extended explanation of why someone might vote for Harris over Trump, you could read my reply to @mobbs, on this blog.

I hope we both one day get the government we and everyone else deserves. I don't see that government anywhere in the world today.

Peace to you, @complexity, and me too :)