Hi fellow Ranters,
The fire pit saga continues but with some fun twists added to it.

Organized Effort
One of the things I try to portray to the little man is that there are lots of things in life that are important and helpful. It helps to be organized in whatever ways we can be, big or small. This one is on the smaller side but I think it still leaves a good impression with him, which is exactly what I want to do.
Before lighting a fire, one thing some people who take pride in their fire starting abilities will do is get it nice and organized so that the fire is ensured to light nicely. This has several aspects to it and not everyone does the same thing but here’s a little with what I like to do to light a proper fire.
I tend to layer the fire structure so that it has different components to it and enough small fuel to get going, the beginning is important. I try to put a few base pieces of thicker wood on the bottom so that the wood fire has something to sit on top of that’s dry, the fire pit typically has some kind of moisture in it especially after the winter and all the snow melting. Having the base ensures that it will take longer to get to the wet parts and a better chance of surviving long enough to get hit enough to just dry out the moisture. I then do a bit of a thatch work, bottom goes vertical when I lay the sticks down, layer above that goes horizontal that way it has a sturdy layer to sit on. Then I start to add the fluffy stuff I can find like flowers in this example. That fluffy flower was amazing at lighting it right up! We will get more of those for sure. I add a bunch of thin sticks and twigs around and on top of that and finally I top it off with a bunch of leaves, though not pictured here. It seems more overkill than it could be but I like building a fire with what’s around me and not needing an accelerant to get it going. My dad just loves to squirt motor oil on it because he’s lazy lol.
The steel grate here is an added benefit because it gives the fire some awesome layers of heat and breathing. I didn’t put anything on top the first few times I used the pit but now I definitely like to use the grate, makes for some nice fires! They burn pretty damn hot too and use up lots of wood which is good because I feel like I’m doing a significant amount of recycling by doing this instead of the landscapers coming and hauling the stuff away.
The little man adding his bark that he found to the fire. He enjoys just walking around and picking up stuff to potentially poke into a stick and hang over the fire to see what it does. He was shocked that the birch bark burns as fast as it does!
Pretty successful fire going thankfully!
The different things we’ve got waiting to go into the fire. It’s funny when we walk around now we collect all kinds of sticks and branches to bring them over to the pit here. We’ve had lots of people staring at us thinking we are weird for doing it and wanting to haul the stuff. I don’t mind, I’m doing things with my kid so what do you want? Lol. I’ve been showing him that when we make a fire, we should at the same time also try to organize the pit area and keep it clean. It makes it easier to have the area clean that way people don’t think there’s a lot of trash around and try to take our wood. It’s not to say that people won’t try to throw it away but the people who live in the building across from the pit definitely know us, seeing as we’ve been there so often lately. He’s helped keep it organized, all of the branches that are lining the leaves there were laid out by him. I don’t mind him getting his own rhythm and organize ideas so I let him have at it and he has fun doing it.
Fire is an essential part of life and the life cycle on the planet. With early exposure, just like everything, I’m hoping our son grows up to learn to respect it and be able to handle it with confidence. These types of things could make him a ladies man one day! Lol

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