She stole our grieving

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago

Last week was a scripted drama, so much to write. I don't even know where to start and if I can write it all now.

Turned out that my sisters stalker is involved. What happened is a freaking movie. Nightmare for Maria and all. Not a murder case, he is said to have died naturally, but why exactly we will never know. My friend and I found him and if he wasn't poisoned it seemed like it.

But after all the creep story started Monday morning, with one of Maiks female Wing Tsun students showing up hours after we found him at my place. I asked her inside because I thought it was this student. Then she started talking about having a relationship with Maik and all this stuff. I was in a state of weird calmness, hours after I found my bro in law dead. She was there for an hour or so, at some point I had to think how to get her out without drama. I promised her to be the connection so she knows everything, burial and stuff. She felt part of the family. Same day I gave the police the number.

Wednesday we all sat together and Maria mentioned that someone called at Maiks workplace Monday morning, claiming to be family, asking for Maik. There it dawned me. Now I had to tell Maria that there was someone claiming to have an affair with Maik. Sucked big times, days after Maik passed away. I had to tell her that he died.
Now it happened that my sister talked about a stalker that she had for 3 years. Officially known, I didn't know. She never told me or showed me a pic, which is ok because she wasn't too worried about a strange woman being everywhere she is.

I asked her to show me a pic and guess who?

Maiks student, the one sitting at my table throwing her shit at me. The alleged affair. Creepy thing. Police said they will talk to her, that's all the law offers and now that I failed her in giving her infos and Maria stole her "last night", well... movie...told you.

She stole our grieving.

It has not even been a week since it happened. I need to get all my shit together because Maik rented the house. I'm pretty much homeless. But everything gets overshadowed by a weird stalker we have no idea what she will do in her emotional state of mind.

Send the troops lol.

I'm not alone as of now, so no worries. Let's see what the days will bring. I know it is a lot and just a little, my head is all over.

Big fuck up, I claim the movie rights.

The last week I didn't eat, sleep and was tortured by brain fuck, I'm tired, I got sick. I'm coming back slowly, but the house needs still to be emptied by his bloodline family.

Next fuck up ahead.

 2 years ago  

That’s some weird shit for sure! Damn I hate crazy people like that. I’m hoping we don’t end up having anyone like that in our lives lol. Sorry that you had to come in contact with the psycho and not even know it! Definitely an eerie feeling.

 2 years ago  

Yah, until Monday it was hard but normal. Out of the blue total twist. I'm so tired man. Hug your loved ones, first hand experience: You never know.

Du meine Güte! Ich hab mich gerade durch Deine drei Posts gelsen - das ist ja schrecklich. Wie Du schon sagst, es ist ja kaum zu fassen, das so etwas einem selbst passiert. Mein aufrichtiges Beileid, Anna.

Und das mit der Stalkerin, das ist ja wirklich fast wie im schlechten Film - nur dass es Realität ist. Krass. Ich hoffe die Polizei findet diese Dame und findet auch mehr heraus über Tod und hergang. Es hilft ja leider dem Maik nicht mehr aber für Euch wäre eine Antwort auf wie oder warum doch mit Sicherheit hilfreich.

Sie waren nicht verheiratet, huh? Ich mag mir gar nicht vorstellen was das jetzt für einen Bürokratiekram in Deutschland nach sich zieht... Aber warum musst Du denn ausziehen? Ist es nicht ein Mehrfamilienhaus, Apartment oben und Wohnung unten, die individuell vermietet werden können?

Was für ein Scheiss... Halt die Ohren steif, Anna, nicht nur für Maria auch für Dich!!


 2 years ago  

Hey, danke für deine Worte. Weiß ich sehr zu schätzen. Der Leichnam wurde 600km transportiert als die Kripo ihn blockiert hat. Zufällig ist auf dem Transport die Kühlung ausgefallen und er konnte weder nochmal untersucht werden, noch konnten ihn seine Familie nochmal sehen. Das mit der Stalkerin is weird as shit, aber man sagte uns ganz klar, quasi solange du kein Messer im Rücken hast kannst nix machen. Sie haben wohl eine "Gefährderansprache" an sie gehalten. Die Wohnung hatte ich untergemietet und ich bin mir nicht mal sicher ob ich wirklich hier bleiben kann. Die Alte rennt doch hier garantiert rum. Ich wohn am Waldrand und auf Dauer...naja mal schauen. Die Tage waren so anstrengend...big fuck up.

Ja, okay, aus der Sicht gesehen würde ich wahrscheinlich auch lieber woanders hinziehen. Aber was ist mit Deiner Schwester, deren Adresse kennt die Stalkerin doch sicher auch und ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass Maria da auch nicht so wohl zumute ist, oder?

Die Kühlung ist ausgefallen?! What the heck!! Das kann ja wohl nicht war sein, oder? Frei nach dem Motto was schief gehen kann geht schief.

Das hört sich danach an als wenn Abstand gewinnen das Beste ist. Ich drück Dir die Daumen.

 2 years ago  

Life can seem like one fuck up after another fuck up, like trying to cross a river called fuck up by using little slippery rocks called fuck ups and slipping on every single one then having to crawl out of the river called fuck up onto the rocks called fuck ups knowing that they're slippery and you'll probably end up falling back into the river called fuck up.

But here's the thing...You've done it before, stood back up and kept going so yeah, just do that.

 2 years ago  

You nailed it. Much appreciated Galen.

Wow and scary 😱

Hope you are ok, I'm sure it's difficult to be after such trauma.
Please stay safe and heal fast

 2 years ago  
