Scholli, Sushi, Schnurrsula - Laughter is the best medicine!

in Rant, Complain, Talk4 years ago (edited)

Hello hello hello,

stoping by in one of my favorite little corners within the Hive I am going to babble a bit about yesterdays little get together.

I was mentioning in the #weekend-engagement that my sister invited me over for some Sushi.

My longtime friends Tanja and Scholli were supposed to be there as well.

After a long lockdown with restrictions of the amount of people allowed to meet it was the first little get together in months.

Of course you cannot go unprepared so I took a look in my cabinets to find something to bring with.

A bottle of mulled wine and some tasty red greek wine should do I thought and of course something for the new cat Schnurrsula as well.

Had some feathers at home I thought she might like.

Off I drove, ready for sushi and some fun.

Trying to find a parking spot at my sisters place I saw some kids roller blading walking their dogs and...a horse.

Why not I thought, taking this picture really quick.

Arriving at my sisters of course I had to hand over the little present for the cat.

Schnurrsula, which could be translated to Purrsula, got adopted out of Belarus a while ago.

We are a family of adopters lol.

She was in a bad state and is now becoming a little spoiled princess, but deserves it big times.

She never touched my feathers though...little complain here.

Can you see the disappointment in her eyes? As she was saying 'What? Some feathers? That's it?'

Tanja was already there and I learned that Scholli wouldn't make it.

Little complain here as well but I could understand. He had a surgery last Wednesday and wasn't feeling well enough to stop by.

So it was just the 3 of us, Tanja, my twin Maria and myself...oh Schnurrsula...makes 4 then.

I will add another complain as Joy wasn't allowed to be there this time.

Maybe next time as the cat gets used to more trouble in da house, Joy is probably more scared of her than she is of him.

Maybe not, he grew up with 18 cats as far as I know and he is a Bulldog, the cats among the dogs lol.

Tanja and me got comfortable on the couch sharing old pictures, while my sister Maria fixed the ordered sushi.

It is always fun thinking back to the good old times at Coyotes.

Tanja and me worked there as bartenders for 7 years and the bar was our living room and family.

Legendary parties in Heidelberg were celebrated there.

Meanwhile we had some wine and sushi and in between the occasional selfie attempt.

Yeah it is hard to figure out where to look at on the phone, where is the damn camera?

This one looks fabulous doesn't it...DOESN'T IT?

We had more wine and more sushi, oh and by the way German Party Music playing, and thought it would be a good idea to throw a little dice game in.

Trying to understand the rules was not so easy, remember, the wine.

Some little Gin Tonic should support us in getting the rules.

It contains juniper berries so we considered it healthy ;).

Reading the rules several times.

Numbers, colors, you can do this, you can't do that.

In the end we got us.

Now it is time to mention that I lost most of the times...but not my humor...there you go lol.

We took some breaks in between to have some fun with Schnurrsula.

She had fun as well, believe me ;).

Does a cat that isn't having fun look like this?

I don't think so.

On this occasion I will mention @krazzytrukker.

He wanted to see more cat pictures in da Hive so here we go...this is for all da cats out there :).

We were playing with her "Rascheltunnel"..."Rustle tunnel".

It was so cute how she ran through it.

Seeing a rescue pet happy like that is healing...for them as for us humans.

Peekaboo Schnurrsula...

Peekaboo Tanja and Schnurrsula...

Oh yeah...before I forget about the foodies among us.

Have been advertising the sushi all the time and you were probably thinking 'Where are the pics to this delicious Japanese food?'

Here it is!

Ok ok, I just forgot to take pictures of it...I am not so much into taking pictures of food but maybe I will get better some day ;).

For now you just have to live with the left overs and imagine what it looked like before.

As a compensation I am adding this snippet of the evenings mood.

Take a look at it to understand what German Party Music sounds like and what we are like most of the time.

Don't mind my sisters comfy pants, after 6 month of second lockdown you just hang out at home and don't dress up for a little get together lol.

Just enjoy our is like a natural medicine these days and we forget too often that a little bit of fun is making the world a better place.

Would you join us for a get together? Leave a comment if you like, but only a nice one of course ;).


 4 years ago (edited) 

Yep, you did that. When you said German music all I could hear were bottles breaking against the wall. Thanks for clearing that up as well as the part about drunk girls speak the same language.

Nice shot of Joy in your signature pic all tucked away in the flowers.

 4 years ago  

I said nice comment the pic it's my passed dog Molly.

Also after months of lockdown it doesn't take that much to be tipsy and I bet you would have a blast hanging with us ;)

 4 years ago  

I bet you would win that bet.

Wait... That wasn't nice??

 4 years ago  

Ahhh either way we would welcome you...probably ;)

 4 years ago  

 3 years ago  

Some sweet dance moves man!

 3 years ago  

I've been practicing. My moonwalk went to shit when Michael died.

 3 years ago  

Hahah when I saw German music all I could think of was the movie blade. Those crazy European dance clubs and stuff. Wild!

 3 years ago  

Blade, good one!! Much better than the buncha dark beer drinkin, heavy German accented, bearded men singin "99 bottles of beer on the wall" I envisioned.

 3 years ago  

Ahhh you crazy Americans...remember that your hero made the wall came down the end we all were looking for freedom

 3 years ago  

Hahahaha!! @cmplxty you gotta see this shit!

 3 years ago  

It contains juniper berries so we considered it healthy

This is the sort of knucklehead thing I would say. Whatever works though right?


I had a cat called Gemmi that looked identical to Schnurrsula. She was such a good-natured little thing. I miss her a lot, her loud putting and cuddles. I miss all my cats though...That's what cat-dude's do.

I loved your foodies picture...I used to do that too...Wait until I'd finished the food then take a photo of the fucked up remains on the plate...I did it on purpose though. Here's one below from just now, my breakfast.


How good is this poached eggs and avocado on rye toast!

Picking on your sisters pants. Legit, and well-deserved.

A good post Anna, passion, personality and some effort. It was fun and it looks like you nutbags had a good time. Nice work.

Agree 100%

Great post.!

 3 years ago (edited) 

Yeah brah, great krazzy minds think alike.

 3 years ago  

😂 lol, looks like a great breakfast and thanks for supporting me on picking on my sis lol.

And I am the dog person in the family...we are twins but literally like cat and dog ;)...but I love every animal 😇

 3 years ago  

looks like a great breakfast

Don't get jealous now, ok?

Those pants your sister had on deserved picking on. So, yeah it's all good!

I know you're a dog person...I don't mind them, but to be honest I love cats. All animals as you say though, all good.

Tell me, why is Joy called Joy?

 3 years ago  

Gosh I cannot tell my sis that I posted the video...she's gonna hate

Jealous of your breakfast? Wait until I throw a pic of my lunch in 😂...gosh for some reason I have the feeling that some weird pics will make the round in you think the Foodies Bee Hive would appreciate pics like that 😆 offense 😅😇.

And Joy is called Joy because that was his name when we got him and we thought it fits so we kept him.

He is pure Joy 😍

 3 years ago  

Gosh I cannot tell my sis that I posted the video...she's gonna hate

A secret then; I'll not tell. 👍

I'm not sure if the foodies would appreciate messed up plates of already eaten food in their communities...We may need to start a new one...The WHAT WAS ON YOUR PLATE community. 😂

Ok, so Joy was a joy so the name works...If I was a dog then I'd be called Knucklehead! Lol.

 3 years ago  


I so dig that!!!!! 😂

Count me in on admin or mod lol

 3 years ago  

It'd be funny I reckon. The most sarcastic community on the blockchain!

 3 years ago  

Lol I had nearly the same reaction, that was good!

 3 years ago  

Hahah now that's a great community. What was on your plate!

 3 years ago  

Don't egg me on too much mate, it might actually happen! 🙄

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What a Great Post this is. And Schnurrsula looks so happy.!

You all do. Good Stuff! Thanks for sharing it with us all.

We have Schnurrsula's twin here at our rescue sanctuary. We call him "Daddy Tux."


 3 years ago  

That cat looks just like Schnur!

 3 years ago  

Hihi I will let Schnurrsi know about her twin. Thanks for the nice feedback :).

You have a rescue? Where?

Non Official Rescue, we would love to retire and make our 12 acres in Northern FLA. (USA) an non profit Official animal sanctuary.

Pond Full 2019-3-4.jpeg

Right now we have Turtles, Ducks, Turkeys, Deer, too many Snakes! LoL, Cats of course (13 right now) These 2 travel with me...

Lil' Guy & Sammi Cuddles 2019-07-02.jpg

We have rescued 30+ kittens, 5 dogs, 2 ferrets, dozens of Turtles. Pretty much whatever animals wander in will get fed and looked after.

Some crappy neighbors were for-closed on by the bank, they slithered away in the dark of the night and left behind 5 black cats. Daddy Tux was one of those. One was also prego, Momma Tux...

See the story at this link ---> Story of the Ferals

 3 years ago  

Just watched the vid. Touching...feel bad for the dog cause it is the owners that didn't socialize him well and also can understand the regret you felt when learning about the "animal hording" at least it sounded like it was some kind of it.

You are doing wonderful things!!!!!!!!!!!

A sanctuary was also a dream of mine...I hope one day it will be possible for you guys. I would visit for sure when being in the states.

🤗 to all your animals and fam!

What a blast - a really fun post. Despite the minor complaints, you guys seems super happy that you are together and having a giggle, been a tough time right? I hope you invited them to HIVE!

Juniper berries are so healthy - and so is hops in beer, and potatoes in vodka, right? Right? Right?

such a fun post!

Posted on

 3 years ago  

Lol, we had Vodka Tonic as well but I thought we sound like freakin alcoholics if I mention this as well 😂.

It was the first time in 6 month that we saw each other and luckily we did it because just right now news are coming in that we are going back to a hard hard lockdown with no more than 1 person allowed to meet another and stuff.

Some rules differ from state to state but the chancellor wants a harsh one.

At least to April 18th we are still in lockdown.

 3 years ago  

Ugh that's brutal, these lock downs are ridiculous. Glad you got to spend time with them then, makes it even better!

 3 years ago  

I just watched our news.

It is official. Next week. EVERYTHING will be closed...incl. grocery stores for at least 5 days, no meeting anyone, no gathering outside, no travel over easter, curfew 21/22...lockdown till end of end in sight.


 3 years ago  

Wind is just some incredibly healthy, crushed grapes! Pure health in a bottle if you ask me!

 3 years ago  

In vino veritas! :)

I don't understand but all that laughing in the video and the pictures - look like a really fun day hahaha
And Schnurrsula/Purrsula - the name is just too cute and what a beauty she is

Last but not least, love your smile ;D

 3 years ago  

😊 Thank you...blushing.

And she is cute...Schnurrsi has only one tooth, little disabled vampire lol.

I translated all we said in the video 😄...not very meaningful but the situation was cracking us up lol

 3 years ago  

Those are some nice pants your sister has there lol.

With all the crap they are putting people through, we all need to spend time relaxing with friends and stuff like this. These are the precious moments in life! I’m glad you had fun with them, adding in some health of course with that juniper. It’s the healthiest if we add that! Negates all the other stuff lol.

When I read German music all I can think of is the movie series with Wesley Snipes called Blade. If you haven’t seen it, it might not have the effect. Let me know if you’ve seen it lol.

That cat, holy crap does it have one serious stare! Looks right through you for sure lol. Little fur ball!

 3 years ago  

Haven't seen it. And right, she got some pretty intense eyes 👽

 3 years ago  

whoa! looks like you had a blast :)!

 3 years ago  

For a few hours in months 😂 ...waking up today sarcasm took over, putting a little post together bout it.

Hope you are doing alright 🙂

Awesome! Human beings socializing and having fun like we used to way back in the day before the "thing which shall not be named." It's good to see smiles on faces, and it looks like this was a much-needed time with friends. Blessings from Suriname.

@NaturalMedicine supports wellness of body, mind, soul and earth on HIVE.
Come say hi via Lotus Chat or drop by our Hive Community - we'd love to have you!

Posted on

 3 years ago  

Hehe it was a good time that day. Short but fun. Things will get better for everyone, for sure.

Maybe it is a time to contemplate about all the things in life, where humanity wants to go and in which kind of way.

Cor... makes visible what was hidden under the surface of superficiality for a long time and we can actually learn something from least that was my hope.

This came up in my suggested reading, and it brought me a spark of joy on a dull day. It also made me realize that I wasn't following your account with this account, which was just tragic, and needed to be fixed.