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RE: Fact vs Alternative Fact

in Rant, Complain, Talk5 months ago

It's getting pretty crazy with all of the stuff that is out there anymore. It's not even like it is a gray area anymore, it's just blatantly false, but they seem to spin it however they want. Even when confronted with the fact that it is false, they just say that you are a MSM sheep or something like that. Besides spreading inaccurate facts, not being willing to accept actual fact is just about as bad!


This is why this stuff in dangerous. There is a requirement to have some sense of reality. I need to be able to say that sun rises in the east, and not have an argument about that!! You know what I mean?!

yeah, I totally agree with you! Who would have guessed one hundred years ago that we would be arguing about whether the Earth was round or not. I thought that was a done deal!

I tell you, social network to blame.

If one hermit decides to believe earth is flat, he/she can and it is okay for that person to live in a hole. But now he can talk to 10 hermits for the rest of the world and they amplify.

I totally agree with you. It used to be the people went down to the bar and spouted their crazy opinions and everyone just thought they were drunk. Not so much these days!