My Recurring Dreams

My dreams have always been extremely evasive, in the sense that I can never f🥴cking remember them!! It has been this way for over a decade, and for the longest time I used to attribute it to my weed smoking (marijuana-use has been linked to "dream loss" for awhile now).

However, my life has been flipped upside down, for I've recently come to find out that this simply isn't true. I have actually been dreaming every night for months -- and it has been a recurring dream, at that!

(And just to reiterate that I mean MONTHS -- I first wrote about these dreams several months ago, just minus my car:

In the dream, it is nighttime (I very rarely have dreams during the daylight). Sometimes I am back in my childhood home, with all of the lights off and no one else around. In my mind, I know that I am waiting for someone (my Dad or my Nana) to bring my old car home. Sometimes my car is already there, in the driveway, and I know that I'm waiting for my Dad to come and fix it.

(The car in question. This was my 2008 Pontiac G6. I had to sell it 3 years ago...)

Other times, I go so far as to begin walking the neighborhoods in the dead of night, searching for my car. There's never anyone else around. Sometimes it's like I just get off from a work shift, finished grocery shopping, only to walk outside and find that I no longer have a car 😅 No matter how far or how long I look for my vehicle, I never find it...

There is another set of recurring dreams as well. In these dreams, I'm either in a school or a mall setting, always aimlessly wandering around. I never attend any classes, I'm always just wandering the hallways, bathrooms, and stairwells. Sometimes I'm amid the rush with other students, and other times I'm entirely alone...

(Image created using an AI art generator on Night Cafe)

For the car one, it is pretty self-explanatory. Our family purchased an RV back in April 2024, but up to today, it still has not become road-ready yet. My recurring dream is just my frantic need to escape the city, to get away but having no means to do so.

For the school/mall ones... It is the fact that I'm wandering through a place without intent. In the school, I'm not attempting to learn; in the mall, I'm not trying to purchase anything. It is just endless wandering... If I had to make my own interpretation, hallways are simply a means of transitioning, of getting from one place to another. Then, again, it's self-explanatory; I am currently in a transitional period of my life where I'm trying to get from here to there. 😅😬

Thank you for taking the time to read!~ 🙏 I hope everybody is doing well and enjoying the new year! Take care, have a great week 👋

 2 months ago  

These recurring dreams are interesting for sure. I’ve tried to wake up and immediately write down my dream that I had. I did good for a few weeks but I started slacking on it and haven’t done it for a few months now.

It certainly seems like you are yearning to get the RV operational do you guys can peace out of there!