I Remembered Ice-Skating...

I have been remembering a lot of wonderful memories lately! 🥰

Just the other day I was telling my husband about the very first time I had ever gone ice skating. As a Canadian, it is tradition that one earns their "ice feet" at least once in their lifetime! 😄 For me, it happened when I was about 8-years-old.

I used to be apart of a group called Brownies; it is basically a branch off the Girl Guide tree! 😊 It was the whole sha-bang! We had uniforms with sashes, badges to collect, pledges to memorize, cookies to sell...

Anyway, trips and outings were frequent events at Brownies! One winter it was taking all of us girls ice skating! ⛸️ Again, I had never been before, but I had done roller skating plenty of times, so I was looking forward to it!

I remember they took us to a looping rink, basically a rink that just goes around in a little circle. The sun was still out when we had arrived but was getting close to sunset, which in the winter would have been around 5 PM 😅 As I took my first wobbly steps out onto the ice, my first thought was, thin, in reference to the ice skates. I can still remember the way I felt the hard skate under my feet.

Of course I was one of the few people there who had never gone skating before! 😄 I remember my one friend, Jodie, had already been playing hockey long before that day, and she took the time to give me some tips while circling around me. And it definitely took some practice; I fell on my butt pretty hard a few times! 😅 But in due time I eventually managed to pick it up.

By the time the sun had finally set, I was making laps around the rink! And the feeling was indescribable...

Engulfed by cold darkness, the only saving grace from it were the scattered orange light poles, the bitter winter air rushing past my face, filling my lungs... I was insatiable, I couldn't go fast enough, I couldn't get my fill! 🤤 It was an incredibly rare moment where I felt completely absorbed in life -- and all I did was skate around a rink for hours! 😄

(Image created using an AI art generator on Night Cafe)

The whole reason this memory came back was because my husband and I happened to be discussing taking our little girls ice skating for the first time! A local park just down the street has opened a little ice rink for the season, and I really think our oldest would enjoy it 😊 Hopefully we will be checking it out this week!

In the meantime, thank you so much for taking the time to check out this post! 👋 I hope you have a great week ahead!

 2 months ago  

Ice skating is a really good thing for the kiddos to do! I’m hoping to bring my son to do it in a week or two if we can get rid of this damn stuffy nose lol. We did it a few years ago and he couldn’t quite make it but we haven’t had ice for it until now. The lakes are likely 2-3 feet thick worth of ice!

Hopefully the girls enjoy skating!! They will make such good memories!

That's awesome, I hope you all enjoy it this year as well 😃👌 it has definitely been a chilly winter this year.

Let me know if you guys end up going 😄 enjoy your week!