Sky Colours: Walking Story and Some Rant

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

I've come back exercise. I think it's been a month since that. And among the things I'm doing again, well, walking came back to mind. In 2018, I used to walk in the afternoons because I was in my last semester. There was a lot of stress and things to do. That simple activity help me with productivity.

After walking, I'd come back home and make classroom materials and plan activities. Get a lot of my reading for the Special Literature Courses I was taking. It also helped with the ideas for the essays in those courses. Kept my weight at bay and more. It was such a fun thing to do.

Then, as usual, I got sick with seasonal allergies and I stopped. I'm coming back to this from dengue and I still feel my body needs a lot of resistance training. So, walking again seems like a reasonable choice. However, I decided to change the schedule. Why not trying to go for a walk early in the morning? It was nuts at first. Getting up early is not the problem; it's getting out of bed. But after that and a first lap, everything turns out for the better.

The best part of doing this is having the chance to spot some colourful cats around the neighbourhood. But the cream of the crop is certainly the sky and its changes of hue before and after dawn. I've taken some pictures when I'm not too distracted with music or a cat.

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-07 at 7.48.33 AM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-07 at 7.48.34 AM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-07 at 7.48.33 AM (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-09 at 4.18.55 PM.jpeg

Some are of my house and the last is one of the streets I walk. There's something about the sky that brings joy. It's like watching an ever-shifting painting. The brush of time chances the shapes and colours as it pleases with a little help of the weather. It is definitely a nice perk of going for a walk before dawn.

However, I wouldn't be coming around here to tell the good about this. Don't get me wrong. The neighbourhood is beautiful and the sky is gorgeous. What's the matter? Well, again we are going without water for 72 hours...

Seriously, I don't get how these people work. Last week we had an interruption in the service. It was 48 hours! We have stored water and it might be enough. But I'm not worrying about us. I wonder how people in the other coast fare with this. Cumana has natural water sources but in Araya, well, semi-arid weather is some borderline desert-like. It is an important place because a big percentage of all the salt we consume in the country comes from there. Nonetheless, I don't get how people still live in that place. There's almost no water at any given moment.

There's this story about the poet Cruz Salmerón Acosta, a native person of that place. When he died (his death came as a result of contracting leprosy and dying close to the time when the cure was developed), it is said his death wish was for his people to get water. And so they did.

They had 3 days of pouring rain. They couldn't even bury him because of all the water. I think that's the last time they had running water around there. And I'm talking about an event that took place in the second decade of the 20th century.

Services are dying little by little. Worst part of it is that there's no competition and the State "runs" all the major things. If there was only another choice to prevent this whole ordeals we could have some respite. I just wonder when will be the time the whole basic services collapse beyond repair. We had a taste of the in 2019 with the general blackout. The blame was put in Washington and an electromagnetic attack.

This commies, people. They are the best bullsh*tters in the world. We'd rather blame the U.S than acknowledge the damage they have caused the country. And they think everyone is as stupid as them to believe their fabrication.

Lack on maintenance is the problem around here. The electric service is running on fumes. Water has been showing lots of problems daily with broken pipes and else. Let's not talk about Internet, lest I jinx it.

With thing like this, it is a luxury to have the time to get a walk and let all this crap go away from my mind. If only it were a permanent solution, but hey, at least the sky is pretty. And those imbeciles can't take that away even if they tried.


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 3 years ago  

That’s true and one of the best things to remember. They will try to take everything away but one thing they can’t take away is the outside! The sky, trees and everything else around us belongs to us all and they hate that for sure.

Sucks that there’s so many foolish choices made there. It’s unfortunate because there’s so much possibility in Venezuela! Hoping that the water comes back soon so you can keep a good stash in case it decides to shit itself again.

Enjoy those walks! I loved going out walking early in the morning, even if it was just to go from our house to where I parked my car half a kilometer away. Good to get the blood flowing early in the morning!

 3 years ago  

Definitely! There's a lot of thing they can't take from us. At least nature gives us some measure of solace.

Sucks that there’s so many foolish choices made there. It’s unfortunate because there’s so much possibility in Venezuela! Hoping that the water comes back soon so you can keep a good stash in case it decides to shit itself again.

The funniest part of this is the fact that the water wasn't cut. Like another kind of sick joke to get people on their nerves. There's so much wasted potential in all Latin America. But the governments make sure all that is squandered.

Enjoy those walks! I loved going out walking early in the morning, even if it was just to go from our house to where I parked my car half a kilometer away. Good to get the blood flowing early in the morning!

I do. There's pretty houses and cats and the sky. 1 hour of walking a day so I can keep walking always.

I know Venezuela has suffered for many years since the Hugo Chávez schemes and oil price bubble burst. What opportunities are there to seize local control over necessary utilities and resources? How deep does the corruption and waste go?

 3 years ago  

Well, that's an interesting question. There's no chance of that at all. The Government controls the army and the army controls the thugs. Mess with one and get the other at your throat. Once, we had the chance of having an Opposition Parliament. It didn't work as they pulled something from their asses to create another Parliament to keep making laws as they want. All this happens as the people are kept into surviving mode because of all the shit happening.

It is interesting though. Never thought I'd live inside a dystopic sci-fi story.

I see the US headed that same direction. It's been a ticking time bomb for decades, but COVID response policies seem to have accelerated the slide. We have the illusion of a two-party system with lots of liberty rhetoric, but it's always one step forward, then at least two steps back.

 3 years ago  

I've been reading this kind of stuff from over countries as well. Seems we are going to a proverbial shitstorm.

One of the reasons I have been writing more about survival kits and home cooking is because I want to encourage people to make just a little effort toward skills and tools which will go a long way if my pessimism proves prophetic. Of course, I also write about fund stuff because I would hate to be one of those gloom-and-doom types who only shouts at everyone.

 3 years ago  

Yeah, the choice is either help or be a doomsayer. I guess the former is better. Besides, it isn't content for everyone. A lot of people should have those skills regardless of the forecast for the future but all this mechanization of the world has turned them into lazy things.