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RE: My guess is I'm not the only hungry being in the house.

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

Ha, ha, ha, ha. Man! That lady is a serious buzzkill. What does a ladybug does to harm anyone? Geez!

Well, good thing these don't get too big. I think. Never seen this kind of spider go this big before. The smaller ones I find around the house I've carried of my had and put in better places where bugs are plentiful so they can have a lot to eat. Some in the garden do not move from the plants and fortunately, we don't cultivate anything. Not that we can because iguanas eat anything grown in the gardens. Keep saving spiders. They might save us!

About the posts, the problem is the internet connection. This month it has been working early and it goes MIA for half a day. It gives time for planning, but not so much for posting.