One Week


It has been one week since we got into the UK and its been quite the experience. One a positive note, we're slowly adjusting to the weather, the roads and the general feeling of the place.

Overall, I'd say life here is a lot different from life in Nigeria. For example, there's constant electricity and the Wifi in the house is quite fast. It is a bit more humid here than where we used to live in Nigeria(Kaduna) so even after taking clothes out of the dryer, they simply don't dry.

We have gotten lost a couple of times because either google map was drunk or due to the fact that all the streets look the same. In any case, everytime I go outside, I get a bit more information about the area and how to move around on foot.

We haven't used the buses since we've been around, so I still don't know how that works. However, at some point, we'll have to figure out a cost effective way of using buses and the transport routes.

At the end of the day, all I can do is be grateful for where we are in general. I'm happy we're no longer living out of suitcases and we can settle into our tiny corner in the world.


In the midst of all the nice things I'm seeing, there's a lingering uneasiness that is as a result of the fact that I'm still technically unemployed. I've sent out a lot of applications on Indeed, Totaljobs and a couple of other platforms but nothing yet.

Earlier today, one employer contacted me with the "unfortunately..." message and it added more fuel to the burning anxiety that's eating me up. I'll continue tweaking my CV and applying, hopefully, something comes through.

My friend that has been in the country for a while told me not to put too much pressure on myself. He says it always takes a while, so I need to be patient with myself and with the system.

I didn't come in with any expectations from the place, so I won't say that I'm disappointed or anything like that. I'm just going to keep sending out applications and hoping for the best.

I've been told that I need to go easy on myself and that's not really as easy as it sounds. However, it has only been one week, I need to stop punishing myself.


Yeah bro, it's just been a week so take it easy on yourself . I hope you get a job soon though🤗

depending what job you want, it is always better to search the companies that are on 2 mile radius and just go there and ask to talk with someone from the management, and leave a cv with them. once they have a face in their mind attached to the name, they may contact you when they need help.

Also, try agencies, that will offer you work as an agency worker, on daily basis. Kind of one day in some place, one day in other, when companies got someone in holiday and need a short term replacement.

Most of our new staf is agency workers who worken in our place before as agency. And remember #hiveuk tag, use that more often now.

I'm going to do just that. Should I wait until after the bank holiday or should I just go out today, even though it's a weekend.

People tend to not work full staff on weekends, and management is at home. Start Tuesday.

Alright. Tuesday it is. Is there a discord channel for hiveuk?

They may have one,
search the tag on

Good to hear you’re in the UK now. You’ve had quite a journey getting there!

May God bless you on the job search and open doors for you that otherwise would stay closed in Jesus name!

Now I'm going to have that Barenaked Ladies song stuck in my head all afternoon lol

It's been one week since you looked at me
Cocked your head to the side and said, "I'm angry"
Five days since you laughed at me
Saying, "Get that together, come back and see me"


 2 years ago  

Time most definitely flies when you’re doing these things! I’m glad you’re settling in and getting used to the city and environment!