Sometimes, peering into the eyes of a pleading, wounded soul... makes it impossible not to offer a loving hand.

I'd been watching him grow; mostly from a distance - across my yard, into that of my two young neighbors. Notice the mess they left him in... but, only since he grew.

Some hearts are cold. They're hard as stone. Sometimes, I wish mine was a bit less soft, or wish for less cruelty in this world... sometimes, both.
These are images uploaded from the phone I recently upgraded from. I almost forgot I had them, along with a bunch of other pictures. I almost wish I had taken earlier shots, to show you how badly I found the poor dog entangled in his leash laying unable to move, completely exhausted, atop the trash seen in the next photo.

You can see the dog food spilled from a bowl they placed for him in the top left portion of the photo. Along with his water bowl, the retards left them both too far from him to feed and drink from. He obviously tried pawing the bowls closer, thus causing them to tip over.
After trespassing on the adjoining property, then hopping a fence to free the pooch from being tightly bound up, having entangled himself, I brought him some much needed water to drink.
From a distance (my yard) looking out to check on him that afternoon, I thought he was laying against the fence dead...!!! He was so tangled, that he wasn't even able to move when I called to him. Probably totally exhausted too.
My heart began to race, even before I raced over there, jumping the fence- expecting the worse.
The people had him tied to the fence by two lengths of six foot leash, strung together in a knot. It became wrapped around his body and limbs, along with a dirty old, rotting piece of lumber.
Until a few days prior, I never saw them tie him up; they had just begun to leave him out in the yard, free to run and play at least. While they were away at work or whatever. It seemed like they even let him back in the house for the evening when they got home - at first...
What I found out from another neighbor, the dog learned to jump the fence and wandered into other peoples yards on the block.
The following day when I came out to check on him, he was tied by a single short leash. When he saw me, he started doing that little happy dance dogs do sometimes, wagging his tail and raising up against the tension of his leash - as if he wanted to run to me.
This time, when I went over to check on him, there were people barbequing in their yard a couple of houses away. They expressed concern for the dog saying, they were on the verge of calling the Cities 'Animal Control' and had been throwing hotdogs over to the dog.
As I turned from petting the dog, stepping a few feet towards the people I was talking with, The puppy hopped the fence and almost hung himself in the process. Fortunately, he was big enough to land in a sitting position with his neck stretched up...
While I was fidgeting with un-leashing him, the neighbors had gotten on their phone with Animal Control. An agency person said the officer who would come, is delayed, having brought an injured animal to the veterinarian.
Before an officer arrived, the dog's people came out of the back door with a bowl of dry dog food in hand. After telling them what had happened, I lifted the pooch up over the fence to the husband. They both seemed to make light of it all, while chuckling...
What the agency in my area does in cases like this, if the animal isn't injured or deemed to be in immediate danger. They first make contact with the pet owners in an attempt to educate them about what's deemed appropriate care of a pet.
They make subsequent visits to check on the animals welfare. If they're not comfortable with what they find, they ask the pet owner to relinquish custody of the animal. If the owners don't comply with such request, the officers can then remove a pet from the premises.
If the owners don't contest in Court within a certain timeframe, the agency puts the animal up for adoption.
In the case of No-Name... He was left with the owners at least for a while, then one day I just stopped seeing him. The people in that house seemed to stay away for long periods of time, as well.
When I tried to find out from the animal control agency about the status of No-Name, they either couldn't, or wouldn't release that information to me.
I checked for his picture in their adoption registry for a while after visiting the kennels, not finding him there, thinking... even though I have cats... maybe, just maybe...???
Wherever you are little boy; I hope you're well, happy and in very loving hands...
I kind of miss you.
Images: My Own
I could've lived the rest of my life having never read this fucking shit. Thanks!
Not for that. Thanks for being the only kindness the poor guy received. I'd probably shit in their mailbox and throw it through the front window.
My heart was breaking over it all at the time. The house next door to them was empty, possibly abandoned, so it was easier for me to trespass a few times a day to check on him without getting shot...
The young couple who had No-Name I think were a bit... ummmmmnnnnnnnn... (how can I put this *gently...???) RETARDED...!!!
The wife is the daughter of the people who own the place, but bought another house, moved away and left the old place to her and husband... He's a whacko for sure. Don't know if it's drugs or brain damage; probably both.
The daughter seemed to be a sweet girl growing up - a little slow maybe upstairs, but sweet.
Good to hear from you Mr. @DandAys... Hope you and Pura experience nothing but smiles all day, today. Tomorrow too😎
That dog looks strangely familiar.
This is River. We adopted him last summer from the BCSPCA in Fort St. John.
He's very good at jumping fences and digging holes in the yard, plus protecting us from any form of danger. He told me to tell you that your friendship mattered to that dog.
Yes... there is a striking resemblance between River and No-Name...
Thank you River for your kind words, too.
Some people are scum and I'm glad you helped No-Name out👍
grew... A much too common event.Thanks for stopping by and commenting @j85063... That poor dog was heartbroken, I'm sure after his caretakers turned on him as he
Hope all is well with you these days.
Going well thanks mate👍
This breaks my heart, I really don't understand how people can be so cruel. Dogs are so loving and loyal, they just want to be loved and be part of a pack. To be left alone outside, then unable to reach their food and water, what cruel owners. Thanks for keeping an eye on him @angryman xxxxx
I know you've had your share of heartbreak @trucklife-family seeing similar and worse canine abuse, especially recently according to some of your posts.
Thank you for reading and commenting😎
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It is really bad when we see this kind of behavior with our companion animals, it hurts more. There should be hygiene condition for dogs as well. It was good complain you knock on every day with good advices dear friend.