Between candle clients retracting orders with shitty excuses, other potential clients asking for candles that I don't make, my kid having a tantrum over random things I really wasn't expecting, my website client wanting bizarre never-ending changes and this constant headache, I just want to go back to bed.
My fucking lawnmower blade broke yesterday afternoon while I was cutting the verge outside the front fence and I just feel like I have bad juju at the moment. I've been saying stupid things that have come out completely in the wrong way and then I think "Andy why do you have to put your foot in your mouth like that?"
I'll be the first one to admit that I'm not that smart and that's probably why.
Do you ever have instances where you just kinda look at yourself and think "hmmm that was dumb", like when I didn't check to see if there were rocks in the grass of the overgown verge...yeah that was dumb. It's my own fault for not being thorough. I'll just have to do what I always do and add it to my list of dumbassery. The garden service that used to cut the grass here used weedeaters, not lawnmowers so rocks didn't present that much of a problem to them, but I also realised yesterday how thick the grass was in sections where it was cut straight instead of along the contour of the ground. The type of grass is this fine grass we call "kweek" that is really dense. The lawn mower didn't like that very much at all. But not nearly as much as it disliked the half brick that it found a little while later. I felt like a real idiot when I had just started to get into the swing of it and bang, wobble, grrrr.
Now I have to phone suppliers and hope I can find a replacement. That's not who I'd like to speak to right now at all. But alas, these things are sent to try us. So I'll just keep trying too.
Image is mine

You can get lawnmower blades at most reputable hardware stores. We can still get them for our 20 year old work horse. I feel for you!
Hi Fiona
Thanks for popping in. I hate sounding like a whine bag, but it was just such a stupid thing that I overlooked. I'm going to try phoning a couple places now and see who I can get one from. Your lawnmower has lasted 20 years? Wow, that's great going! They were built to last a lifetime in those days.
Hope you are doing well otherwise?
Have a good day
You haven't read my last 2 posts 🤣🤣🤣
Otherwise all good. I am saying niks about our lawnmower in case I jinx her!
Sweet dreams!
Lol I did that with my car the other day so best to touch wood.
I think these things come in waves, hopefully you won't have a similar experience on your next market like this past D Day one, I would have been miserable and markets are always sort of touch and go, you never really know until you're there on the day.
Hahaha! Lots of wood touching, I can tell you!!
I was miserable and angry and very not nice to know on Saturday. We do know what draws people and keeps them and if that ingredient is missing from the recipe, then, well, it's not going to work the way one hopes. And no, one never knows and as always, there is absolutely no pattern or rhyme or reason. I've been meaning to ask: have you shared pics/post of your candles? I've had my nose so firmly up my own you know what, that I've not been spending much time on Hive...
Check the blade balance first. If it still vibrates after that is balanced, you might have a bent driveshaft too.
Good luck!
Hi Toby
Oh that's a very good point that I wouldn't have thought of. I'm going to be taking the machine into a garden & turf supplier that deals with machinery to see if they have a blade replacement, if they do then I'll be sure to check that as well, thanks so much for the very valuable insight!
I hope you and your son are both well and still moving things along on the digger loader.
We are finished on the hoses, and added a new wheel; I'll post on it soon, it's been too hot to function here; and that's cut down on my posting!
I'm glad you didn't get hurt, when that blade sheared off. That could have hurt someone!
When you get the blade, put a knife blade across the center of the mounting hole. It should balance, if it's right; if not, remove some metal from the heavy side until it balances.
Don't you hate week's like this? Hope you find a blade...
Hi @goldenoakfarm yes, my mom always used to say "count the misfortunes they always come in three's".
Let's hope for it to turn soon for all of us.
When weather is too much hot or cold, it's affected our health sorry to listen about your health 😥, hope so you are fine now.
No doubt when we are not okay many bad things happened with us hope so you lawnmower blade will be okay soon and you will find the replacement of it🔥. Trying to stay more active while cutting the grass from lawn.
Thanks for your lovely message. I'mm sure I'll be ok. These things happen. I'm trying to get a new blade today, hopefully the supplier will have one.
I hope you are well. Have a good day.
Wait until you spend hours trying to get that bolt undone only to finally realise it's a reverse thread. Just saying lol ;-)
I think it was either Einstein or Andy Kaufman who once said...
"When fate gives you broken lawnmower blades, it's time to start growing wild flowers"
Hope this helps ;-)
Hahaha Nathen, oh my word, I swear you have just saved my behind from feeling like even MORE of a tool! Thanks for the heads up and I will totally take your advice. If I can't get the stupid thing a replacement, I will turn it into a plant pot 🤣
Have a great day further and thanks for making me laugh.
Bad things happen in 3’s is my wife’s philosophy and it seems to work out pretty well! Hope this was the third and you’re in for a good streak of awesomeness!
Hope the blade was easy to find, not sure if you’ve found one yet but thankfully many places have them nowadays. Outside of issues happening like this, I’m looking forward to owning a lawn and cutting grass! Lol
Hey @cmplxty
Yes, my mom shared the same philosophy and I can hear her saying it now in my head. I was actually able to get a new blade after a lot of phone calls and some emails and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise, it's a post I'll put up later probably.
I hope you get to have your lawn soon, it's quite rewarding once it's looking nice and there's nothing better than walking on soft grass barefoot.
Have a good one :)