A Philosophical Musing.

in Rant, Complain, Talk20 days ago (edited)

If I jump off a very tall building with the intention of landing safely when I got to the ground but subsequently die in the process.

Did i commit suicide? Or was I just plain crazy to think I could land it.



you said it yourself, the intention to land.

suicide is with the intent of wanting to die.

stupid is with the intent of doing the impossible.

courage is when doing things even knowing it's impossible.

commitment is because we always keep our word.

crazy is when we actually pull it off.

Accident if not intentional.

Which part, the stuffed landing or the intent to land.

The intent to land. If the intention was to land and it resulted in failure, it's an accident. If you intended to land with the desire to end yourself, it becomes suicide.


I posed this question to my mum ale her response is you are crazy.

Philosophy time isn't for everyone but it's a nice conversation starter with a little alcohol and good company.

I framed it in this manner:

Which comes first? the intent or the act?

Do humans cook because they are hungry? or do they cook first and then figure out that they are hungry?

Do we travel first before figuring out we want to move? or do we travel because we want to move?

Intent or purpose precedes act, at least that's what I subscribe to anyway.

Wanting to land was the intention and not wanting to die, but accidents do happen.

I'll use this argument as one of the points in further face to face discussions

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