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RE: Earn Your Damn Audience First Before You Start Complaining about Engagement

The post blew up and I just slept right after I posted it. Wonders of the blockchain. Here's a piece of advice to being happy with your rewards, expect none of it and just let people decide how much value they want to put into it. If your number 1 fan happens to give only 0.01$ because that's the most they coudl give at 100% with their stake versus someone that gives 0.1$ with 5% of their stake that doesn't give a fuck about your content, who do you think is worth keeping in your circle?

Depends on your priorities really, some would opt for the latter because that's that puts food on the table and this is a real scenario. Some just post for the money and feel entitled to more attention because that leads to more money. When I made this shitposting account, I only had one goal in mind, not to clutter my main account's blog page but still have an avenue to shitpost the hell I want so that meant 0 expectations that it would go anywhere. Do what you love and worry less about the rewards, you live happier on the blockchain that way.