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RE: This Christmas Morning

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

I'm not sure about empaths being a unique gift, I certainly see people becoming more in tuned with significant others once a certain rapport has been established compared to strangers and that's reasonable because you get the other's rhythm once some bond is formed. While being in tuned with strangers seems like a hit or miss for most people especially online. Would you consider people just being wired to be selectively empathetic to those only within their social circle as Empaths too? or are the Empaths you mean are people that just have a wider, nonspecific reach within the population groups they are in?

 3 years ago  

I feel everyone has at least some Emphatic ability. The bonds we form with the people around us helps. There are some of us whose empathy goes much further than those we associate with.

Once I met a man who flew in from Brazil. A man I knew from nowhere. I shook his hand and he told me they are going to his sisters wedding. We swapped maybe 20 words. About two hours later his father died at the wedding reception. At a place I have never been. Yet I experienced every emotion he had from the moment his father had the heart attack until he fell asleep the next morning just after three. I lived it.

I have missed someone I never knew. I cried for someone who died that I never knew. I feared for children I never had. I have been miserable and feeling sick for 5 days because a friend had food poisoning. I am an Empath.

There are about 16 things that happens in the life of an Empath that does not appear in the average persons life. Some of them disappears as the Empath gains control. All of them has a very destructive effect if not brought under control.

I talk too much. Anyone may be an Empath.