For me, I started keto in August last year when I got up to 242 pounds ( and I am always battling issues with weight ), and I decided to try keto for a month and see where it goes ( on and off ) so now I am 35 pounds down ( scale clocked in at 205.5 this morning ). So while I am on the diet, for me I usually have 1 to 3 eggs in the morning about 7am, with one sausage or one slice of bacon. For lunch I eat about 12 to 1pm so I stay within an IF ( intermittant fasting ) window of 8 hours, and for lunch I usually have a spinach salad topped off with tuna, sliced ham, or roasted chicken with the skin and avocado and maybe a handful of blueberries to top it off. One of the first things you will notice on keto is the diet is very limiting and boring, so you need to be imaginative on how to keep your carbs about 10g to 40g per day ( that is the tough part, no sugary fruits, no bread and no sugars or candies ), next you should not overload on protein as that can throw off your keto ( this should be about 15% to 25% in grams based on caloric intake ) and the rest should be good fats from eggs, meats, avocados, olive oils, coconut oils, and such ( this is the remaining 75 to 85% of grams based on carbs ). And another part is to stay hydrated all the time.
You should notice when you are on keto there are symptoms you may have in the first week or two:
- keto flu ( feeling nausea, dizzy or tired )
- Need to pee alot ( water just leaves the system fast )
- You will start to loose weight quickly at first ( water weight and then slow gradual weight loss )
- May spike your cholesterol
So if that hasn't scared you off, then you get the benefits:
- consistent weight loss
- more energy
- breaks addiction to breads and sugars
So your mileage may vary, and this is my personal journey I did on keto, which I pulled from many sources, but I compiled them here instead.
Hope this helps you friend!
Thanks so much for taking the time to break down
All this! I’ll definitely be giving Keto a real try. This is great information.
Good afternoon ✌️
just wanted to tell ya, I’ve lost another 40 pounds since we chatted in the comments here . I’m down to 190 from 250 and was at about 230 when I watched. Took me a long long time to loose that first 10 but the last 40 melted off! The Keto stuff worked great for me ✊. Your video was one of a strong handful of things that got it going. Cheers my friend! Just wanted to thank ya!