REDEFINING YOUR VALUE: Facts versus feelings.

in DTube3 years ago (edited)


Almost everyone has experienced feelings of insignificance at some point in their lives. You could be a superstar in basketball sports but a disaster in a chemical lab. Insignificance has less to do with our actual worth as humans and more to do with how we feel about ourselves.

When people neglect us, it's easy to feel completely useless. When we feel alone in the throng, standing up and being counted is difficult. So, how do you figure out what you're really worth?


It hurts to feel insignificant, yet we do have genuine worth, regardless of how we feel. We were formed in the image of God, and we were made for greatness! Our souls are eroded by life, yet God values us. God loved us so deeply that He sent His only Son into the world to heal us and give us a fresh start.

Jesus Christ regards you as a priceless individual. He sees through your hurt and pain to understand that you are truly valuable.


Even better, He is willing to clean up the messes you've made in your life and provide you healing and forgiveness for whatever wrongdoings you've committed. Rather than feeling unimportant, you can feel valued by God. You can experience the pleasure of belonging.

When we receive God’s gift of forgiveness, we discover that we were chosen, hand selected by God for a relationship with Jesus Christ that will never end. It leads us to a whole new way of living where we are valued and value others. Instead of feeling invisible in the crowd, we understand that God sees us and our needs every moment of every day.

“You are treasured by God” Remember that. ♥️♥️♥️