We should all now be aware of what’s going on with Russia invading Ukraine, that this looks like World War III, of those still stuck in harms way. What you might not be aware of is how you can help limit this from escalating by simply being present and willing.

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Fuck the NWO
Depending on what perspectives you hold which ever power is opposed to your own is the NWO 🤔
My NWO reference is a very direct labeling of a global power movement. Is this an opposed perspective of who holds power? I speak of the asshats who all repeated the same BS of enslaving the world to mask mandates, forced inoculations while allowing unrest to grow in the streets. This is a very special group of reptilian like assholes who only car about retaining and gaining more power over human civilization.
This is millennia old plan that is a self fulfilling prophecy. I see how you thought maybe a smart comment would raise a response.. just not sure why?