I think there is a level of truth that the cold could help promote longevity. We see that with some of the whales and the Greenland sharks that can live hundreds of years. I think the Scandinavians figured all this out a long time ago. Getting in the cold lakes and then getting in the sauna and doing the contrast therapy. 5 Degrees is a lot. I like his content but I think with all the stuff he is doing it is hard to tell what is working and what isn't and ultimately he has a very unnatural skin tone. I'm not hating on him. I like his research and think we will learn something from it but 5 degrees colder is insane.
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I think he is actually looking better these days. I think he took a step back recently and added more fat. Still ... he could use a steak:)
I think his new haircut makes him look younger. I have noticed that with myself. If I keep the hair on the sides of my face cut lower it makes my face look thinner. His whole thing is interesting for sure. I have studied some other situations where people have aged extremely well and even being supposedly 60 years old had quite a bit of strength and looked youthful still both for men and women.
The sleep and the proper diet and putting your muscles under a load and then not being stressed out goes a long way. Then limiting the sun exposure. I personally don't like his technique of never being in the sun and then he gets in front of the red lights. Personally I feel like if someone is getting 10 or 20 minutes in the sun is beneficial. It is hard to quantify the boost someone can get just getting a little bit of sun.
I am big fan of being outside ... it is so important. I think the theory behind sun exposure and aging needs to be revisited. People always look their best with a light tan. There may be a hermetic effect ... where the right about of sun triggers repair and renewal. But you gotta get it just right. Plus Vitamin D is essential for repair too. But certainly going out there without cover for hours on end should be avoided.
I agree. The sun gives energy to all and I feel like the sun raises my testosterone levels. I like to have a tan but not have too much exposure to where I get burned.
Most hormones require both cholesterol and Vitamin D to form. Hormones are very important to skin health; dietary vitamin D has to go further to reach the skin. Makes sense having a source of Vitamin D in the skin helps the skin first.
So much of what has been demonized by the media is stuff we need. We have been lied to so much it's insane.
Red meat, animal fat, and some sun ... lots of sleep:)
I heard the cold and hot contrast is good for the body! Still, you’re what you eat!
People forget that all the time too. That is why I eat steak. Pure muscle!