
Brian, you are a Podcasting 2.0 Powerhouse!
Go Podcasting!

🙌🏻 Definetely! @brianoflondon created a really cool App. I tried it and the Value4Value Podcast thing works! You can stream someone Hive while listening to his podcast (of it is setup for V4V).
🙋🏼‍♂️ Currently I’m working on spreading the word among german podcasters and will also do a Post here on Hive about it (german & english).

Talking to podcasters (or the general public) about Podcasting 2.0 is almost like talking about podcasting back in 2005. People give you blank looks. So, it's up to all of us to continue to beat the drum and share the message over and over again until eventually it becomes part of the main stream. It'll take a while, but I know we can do it.

💪🏻 That‘s the spirit!

It’s a honer Sir
In The Morning!

I second!