In today's Live Life Eager Adventure, we wake up to very bad weather in the Maldives but decide to go snorkeling and desert island exploring anyway ( thanks to a challenge from our breakfast waiter :) ) The day was full of surprises, fish, sand and a huge storm!Hey Everyone and @dtube,
Will we have a great day or will the weather make it a disaster? In today's video, we will find out.
Do you think Brianna liked the coconut? Comment below and let us know what you think!
Intro: 00:00
Boarding The Boat: 00:30
Bad Weather Maldives Snorkeling: 00:52
Was It Worth It?: 02:01
Swimming To A Desert Island: 02:27
Brianna Tries Sam's Coconut: 03:46
Jumping Off The Roof Challenge: 04:35
Being Chased By Storms: 05:01
Bonus Just For You: 06:09
Thanks for watching, especially the people that went all the way to the end :)
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See you in the next Adventure
Music Supplied by the awesome people at Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/
Images supplied by Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/
Disclaimers: all opinions are my own, and sponsors are acknowledged. Links in the description are usually affiliate links.
#maldives #challenge #livelifeeager
▶️ DTube
love the video and those underwater shots were pretty awesome !