Maldives Challenge: Can We Snorkel When The Weather's Bad?

in DTube2 years ago (edited)

In today's Live Life Eager Adventure, we wake up to very bad weather in the Maldives but decide to go snorkeling and desert island exploring anyway ( thanks to a challenge from our breakfast waiter :) ) The day was full of surprises, fish, sand and a huge storm!Hey Everyone and @dtube,

Will we have a great day or will the weather make it a disaster? In today's video, we will find out.

Do you think Brianna liked the coconut? Comment below and let us know what you think!

Intro: 00:00
Boarding The Boat: 00:30
Bad Weather Maldives Snorkeling: 00:52
Was It Worth It?: 02:01
Swimming To A Desert Island: 02:27
Brianna Tries Sam's Coconut: 03:46
Jumping Off The Roof Challenge: 04:35
Being Chased By Storms: 05:01
Bonus Just For You: 06:09

Thanks for watching, especially the people that went all the way to the end :)


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You can also see us here on other media platforms:

Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: @adventurous.soul

See you in the next Adventure

Music Supplied by the awesome people at Epidemic Sound: Images supplied by Unsplash:

Disclaimers: all opinions are my own, and sponsors are acknowledged. Links in the description are usually affiliate links.
#maldives #challenge #livelifeeager

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love the video and those underwater shots were pretty awesome !