my business partner felt that all of my money from the business accounts would look better in his account ...
You've mentioned this before in one of your other posts, is it that same guy you hypothetically wanted to curse with uh .... Yeah, i don't really remember the atrocity😅 but, is it the same guy though?
Regardless, this was quite inspirational to read, and a nice way to start the day this early. Through this little glimpse of your life, you show how strength, experience, persistence, rebuilding, and adversity can come a long way in shaping and re-shaping a person's life for the better!
Actually, something pretty significant has been happening in my life currently so... I guess I kinda needed to see this today.
Thanks for the little inspiration and motivation and cheers man!
Yep, the same.
Life can be brutal and often unfair, however the great thing about being human is that we have the ability to choose how we think, what attitudes to foster and what actions to take.
I hope whatever is going on in your life works out for the best and am glad that something in my post may help to move it closer that way. I'm on Discord if you need/want to talk about it. If not, that's ok too; just refuse to capitulate man, like...ever. You know?
Ahh... I thought as much.
Oh yeah, I think I do have your discord actually but uhm, it's one of those situations were I think I'd rather just pass for now - I'm sure you can understand.
It really ain't easy but... I hear ya. I hear ya loud and clear. Will do :)
Passing is a good option, best to find your own way so you can own the failure, or success.
Yep, that's true enough. But sometimes doing difficult things has a better return than doing easy ones. So, I say again, don't capitulate.