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RE: A tough Job!

in WorkLife2 years ago

Duuuude I can not imagine how hard this job is even though your post is super detailed and transports some of the difficulties very well. I like that you've included these amazing pictures and video. I bet not many Hamburgers have seen this perspective of their city.

When I saw the snow yesterday I thought of you and your colleagues while sitting comfy at my desk at home in underpants haha

And you known what? I have fear of heights. So much that I can't even climb a 2m ladder. Every job needs special humans and I am pretty sure you are one of a few people that can do this stuff.

As a Hamburger I want to officially thank you for your service (even though I am part of the people who don't really like this building :P)

It was amazing to meet you 2 times in this - and I hope next time you'll be on the roof again ;)

Peace and Love ❤️


Duuude! Thank you so much for your kind words.
And thanks for the two very good meetings we had. That made my Hamburg stay more homey. Lovely chats.

I bet not many Hamburgers have seen this perspective of their city.

I'm keen to share perspectives.

When I saw the snow yesterday I thought of you and your colleagues while sitting comfy at my desk at home in underpants haha

🤣 ...wait until summer, when I'm in undies on Elphi's roof and sprinkle water on people's head.