Give a Man a Fish and... Who Knows What Will Happen???

in WorkLife2 years ago

I think a lot about the different lives people lead.

I read a lot about people who go on to achieve extraordinary success. Often during an interview they will mention how they sold sweets to the other kids at school when they were very young. When they were teens they discovered a loophole to sell advertising space on other peoples websites at a commission on ad revenue.

After an idea struck them one day, they went off and learned to build an app to facilitate whatever outlandish scheme formulated in their oh-so-creative mind.

At the same time, somewhere in an alternate timeline, another person who sold candy to his peers during his schooldays has just taken over an entire territory selling crack from street corners in his city.

Same career development, same self starting attitude and ability to climb in their respective roles...

Yet there are some fairly significant differences in modalities for sure.

I also think about people who go on to commit huge frauds and financial crimes. The work that goes in to a Ponzi scheme is astronomical, just ask Charles Ponzi?

The thing that occurs to me, I'm sure it has to you too, is that if these people had ploughed that much effort and work in to a legitimate business, they could have found plaudits and legitimate, laudable success, without the awful necessity of having to keep looking over their shoulder.

Different folks take different paths.

Other people are born to families of means, never wanting for anything, every opportunity available to them. The finest schools, resources, love and encouragement.

They achieve nothing! Go figure?

If they had a passion project living in their head, they could pursue it relentlessly, never worrying about paying the rent, working a day job or worrying about losing everything if they could not balance their metaphorical chequebook.

They turn in to jerks, start do dabble in drugs, make dubious friends and wind up in a terrible situation... People exclaim,

"they had it all on a plate, how could this happen, what went wrong???"

Or maybe they turn in to a virtual recluse, sleeping till lunchtime everyday, playing on video games achieving nothing, aspiring to nothing, desiring nothing.

There are some people who work a day job for decades and one day they wake up having developed a dream seemingly out of nowhere, for some the dream has been dampened down, shut off and silenced, hidden away in the deepest recesses of the mind for years.

They change tack, set sail for a new destination and achieve almost superhuman levels of focus, achievement and success and find a deep satisfaction they never believed could ever belong to them.

Can anyone develop this kind of resilience and focus?

Is there a time when your boat has sailed?

Dear reader, you are certainly not an idiot, you know why I am thrashing this out here on the blank page...

Can I, REALLY start to become an achievement focussed, goal smashing machine after achieving ordinary results for half a century?

I have enough money set by to allow myself to survive for at least... Uhm... Let me work it out... Carry the 1... A few days!!!

On the plus side, it is several days, not just one, that's something, right?

Will this information dictate my actions, stalk my thoughts when a risk is necessary, cause undue worry, fear of failure, make me decide it is just not worth the risk???

I certainly bloody hope not!

I have an unusual, unexpected, unique week next week... I will detail my week here, I hope I can post, but I may not be able to write as I will not be at home.

This week has come along at a particularly tricky time for me, I was supposed to be starting my journey toward a very different way of life immediately but now feel compelled to try and maintain that coiled spring momentum for a little longer. I will be away from home from the 17th till the 24th...

If I can ignore the sound of the wolf at the door, the chickens about to come home to roost from my day job and the nagging doubt of an older man wondering if he can really do this!.

I aim to use the last quarter of the year as a springboard!

I want January 1st to come along at a time when my momentum is nothing short of magnificent, when I am already on my way. I want to create a real time journal of my efforts here with honest updates along the way.

If I F' it all up because of fear, hesitancy, laziness or whatever other reason, I will tell you!

Hopefully the fear of telling you how badly I failed, didn't even try, took timid, apprehensive action will be enough for me to stay on track.

The week commencing September 25th will be 'go day' for my ventures. I hope I can start detailing actions and results around October 1st. Perfectly timed for the final quarter of the year, I cannot help but feel that synchronicity is not merely coincidental.

Thank YOU for taking the time to read my post and if you're one of those amazing people who like to hit the comments section... Then I doubly thank YOU!

Either way I want you to know that you are appreciated!
Keep taking the time to connect with each-other both here and in the 'so-called' real world and try and look after each-other, because as you already know...
Together We're Just Better.png


I am an incredibly proud member of #TeamUK I love the global community immensely, but it is nice to have a home-team banner to add to my posts. The banner was made by the inimitable RoastMaster General himself @c0ff33a If you are an active UK member and would like to be added to the teamUK community on Discord, just let me know 😎

any images in my posts are either taken by me or created in Canva by me.


Indeed, different people take different paths in life. The future always waits for those who are committed, consistent, and have self-discipline. Glad to read those wise words from you. Have a nice time and keep safe!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/5) @pinkchic tipped @stevenwood