One of the things I've done well in my professional life is ask questions and listen.
This is an inspiring thought for many new comers who pretend to be more knowledgeable than others...and often get into trouble career.
One of the things I've done well in my professional life is ask questions and listen.
This is an inspiring thought for many new comers who pretend to be more knowledgeable than others...and often get into trouble career.
Asking questions and listening to understand is a good way to discover the best ways to proceed. There's a way to do it, not firing questions Spanish Inquisition style of course, I prefer to make it conversational mostly and if done right and some strategy is applied great results often ensue - I mean professionally here. And personally, the same really, it's just done a little differently...and the results can be somewhat different of course, but equally advantageous.
That is what were taught too since childhood... "listen first and then reply". This is to show respect to other as well....cutting the conversation midway is kind of disrespect be it anyone.
Yep, interjecting and talking over people is a sure-fire way to annoy them. It's best to be patient, listen, understand and then respond accordingly. It shows respect, gains respect and will improve results from any communication.
It makes a good repo and help in easily getting to the outcome... communication is all about talk between communicator and listener.