How do you deal with labor conflicts? || By @rosmerby

in WorkLife2 years ago

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Best regards, hardworking hivers!

After having seen so many things throughout our working life, and having lived so much, we are left with only the experience and memories of what we have been through. The experiences are stories that we can tell later, to our children, to our loved ones, perhaps we can also help other people with the stories of what we went through during our working life.

How do you deal with labor conflicts?

Let's imagine for a moment the amount of time we spend at work, that's more than half of our life! Therefore, due to all that time, day after day, certain conflicts may arise between coworkers, this can happen for different reasons, maybe one of the reasons is poor communication, since everyone has a different way of thinking and dealing with the situations that we face. In short, the reasons can be many, perhaps it can influence the difference in culture between colleagues, it is good to keep in mind that not all of us come from the same upbringing, or the same environment, therefore, we have different working styles, depending also on the personality of each one.



In my work experience, I remember having many differences with some colleagues, sometimes it has been funny and everything ends in harmony, we laugh, learn and then continue working, but it is not always like that, especially when someone is not willing or simply does not want to fix things, the work environment becomes complicated, although generally human beings prefer to work quietly and it is healthier that the environment in which you spend more time during your day, is pleasant. If we stop to analyze these aspects, we can apply conflict resolution at work, think things over, try to perceive the emotions and feelings of our colleagues and, finally, look for a better way to communicate.


There was an episode in my work that made me reflect many times, because a new colleague asked me the same question more than three times, in the same day! I always gave her the answer she needed, without making her feel silly because she was learning, remembering that I didn't know everything when I started working either. Then, I advised her to consider implementing the use of a notebook to record the hard-to-remember aspects, so she could refer to her notes whenever she needed to. It may not have been a perfect solution, but it worked for me, it may work for others as well. So, instead of getting angry, I came up with a solution that helped both of us, and I felt great.


In another episode, something also happened that generated me a great learning, my boss was reviewing a drafting of a sentence that I had made to publish, I emphasize that these drafts must have their legal basis, I exposed my criteria, but the signature that was going to endorse the content, was that of my boss, She wanted to add more things, and some differences arose, of course her reasons had more weight because she was the boss and had more hierarchy than me, however, she had the patience to sit down with me and explain "why" the aspects she wanted to add to the content of the sentence. That humility made me understand how valuable it is to have empathy when conflicts arise, if only we could "put ourselves in other people's shoes" when solving problems, the world would be a different place.

Generally speaking, I think it is important to have empathy with our colleagues because the day is not always perfect, so it is good to maintain good relationships with each other, so it will be easier to handle conflicts when they arise.


How do you deal with conflicts at work? I'd love to read about your experiences!

I hope this post will be useful for you, hivers workers. I will try to continue providing data of your interest and support for the complex world of work.

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|| Authored by: @rosmerby
|| Original Language: Spanish
|| Web translator: (free version)
|| Photographs: property of the author.
|| Image editions: made in Powerpoint.


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What's up, friend? Greetings from Venezuela. Let me say that I really enjoyed your post. I think that knowing how to deal with our conflicts, regardless of their nature, lies largely in our attitude towards them and also by the introspection we devote to them.

Estoy de acuerdo contigo! Sé que muchas veces puede ser dífícil lidiar con los conflictos, pero nos ayuda mucho nuestras ganas de que todo marche en armonía. Un gusto saludarte amigo!