My profession. Pros & cons

Hello, guys!

A profession holds an important place in each of our lives. Whether we love our job or not, it affects us and our daily lives one way or another.

Sometimes, it even changes us. It happens that a person perceives and evaluates the world around them through the lens of their professional duties. This is reflected in habits, behavior, manner of communication with loved ones, and reactions to events, and it’s called professional deformation.

I have been working as a personal trainer for almost 8 years now, and today I would like to share the advantages and disadvantages of my profession, and how it affects my life.


Let’s start with the good stuff, the advantages 😄

You gain extensive knowledge about the human body, its anatomy, and biomechanics.

Of course, a trainer must know these things. It’s a foundation without which, at best, the client won’t achieve results, and at worst, you could harm someone.
Based on this knowledge, you can always help yourself and others:
⁃ Shape a beautiful physique
⁃ Achieve goals in professional sports
⁃ Rehabilitate the body after injuries
⁃ Improve and maintain health
⁃ Develop all physical qualities and skills like strength, endurance, flexibility, speed, coordination, balance, and more. They not only help in sports but also make life more enjoyable 😉

There’s always motivation to stay in shape.

Most people want to see their trainer in a physical condition that inspires them. Moreover, to some extent, the trainer’s appearance unconsciously instills confidence that if they have a great body, they know how to help others achieve similar results.

You learn to fully control your body.

This is one of my favorites. Many people, due to today’s lifestyle, are unfamiliar with their own bodies and their capabilities. Most can’t even feel, let alone control, the most superficial and accessible muscles. The fact that you can control your body however you like is indescribable. You feel alive, young, healthy, and honestly, a bit cool too 😁😎

You develop knowledge in many related fields, greatly expanding your horizons.

A competent trainer must be well-versed in geometry, physics, nutrition, pedagogy, and psychology at the very least. Incidentally, many people mistakenly believe that a trainer is responsible for all things related to nutrition, creating diets, and prescribing vitamins and supplements. BUT that’s the role of a nutritionist. The trainer’s primary responsibility is the anatomy of movement and the body. Nutrition knowledge is a bonus if the trainer has pursued additional education in this field.

You become disciplined and responsible.

When you have to teach these qualities to others, you are obliged to embody them yourself. Without these traits, you won’t achieve results.

You care about health, beyond just appearance.

Everyone wants to look good, but sooner or later, you realize that feeling good is the priority, that you don’t want to experience pain, and that you want to move freely. When you start acting out of love and care for your body, incorporating physical activity into your daily routine like brushing your teeth, a healthy body and good appearance naturally follow as a bonus 😉

You meet and interact with various people, forming valuable connections.

It’s no secret that people are opportunities. Every person teaches us something and brings something into our lives, sometimes even helping in different life situations.

You learn to control your emotions.

People are different, each bringing their emotional baggage to a workout. You need to work with people in various emotional states, different personalities, and also manage your reactions to them.

You gain a deeper understanding of different people.

Everyone is unique, and that’s wonderful. Even if we want to be like someone else, we remain special. Whether you see it in yourself or not, each person who comes to train with you teaches you to understand different types of people. It greatly broadens your perspective.

You can work both offline and online, or combine both.

This allows you to take on more work and, accordingly, earn more. You can also choose whether you prefer to be tied to a location or work online from anywhere. I combine both because I love the gym atmosphere and face-to-face interactions, but I also work online as it’s more financially beneficial.

You have the opportunity to truly benefit society and help people.

If you apply your knowledge correctly, you can help society become healthier. Today, it’s crucial to convey the importance of physical culture and movement in our lives.


The disadvantages can also be seen subjectively through one’s own perspective. Personally, I consider the following points as drawbacks such as

You often encounter irresponsibility from others.

People often don’t appreciate the time, effort, and kindness of a trainer. They also frequently disregard their own time and efforts. A trainer gives you all the information needed to achieve results, but it’s up to you to follow these recommendations, and the responsibility for achieving or not achieving results falls solely on your shoulders.

There’s societal pressure regarding your appearance.

A trainer is also a person who goes through different life situations and periods. Sometimes they don’t look picture-perfect or temporarily lose shape or physical qualities like strength or endurance. But their knowledge doesn’t decrease, and they still know how to help you achieve your desired results. Trainers also want to relax occasionally, eat something unhealthy, and not worry about what others think.

Irregular work schedule.

Your schedule often depends on others. After work hours, I often message clients, consult them, or prepare online programs. Clients frequently cancel or reschedule at the last minute, which affects your work schedule and requires on-the-fly adjustments.

Too much physical activity.

Whether you like it or not, you move a lot throughout the day. Sometimes too much. On a day off, you often just want to lie down.

Overload from communication with people.

Throughout the day, you communicate with many different people, each sharing a part of their life with you and expecting something in return. After work, you often just want silence, and once in a while, you feel the need to escape to nature to recharge and listen to your own thoughts.

Unstable income.

This field also has its seasonality, as most people, unfortunately, prepare for summer or a specific event. The busiest times are in the spring and fall.

Constant noise.

This applies if you work offline in a gym. There’s always music playing, people talking loudly, weights being dropped, etc. I feel like my hearing has worsened because of it 😅 I used to love that bustling atmosphere, but now I crave peace and quiet.

I’m sure this list isn’t complete, but I want to say that I love my profession and how it has shaped me.
Despite the downsides, I choose to be a trainer because I see myself in this role.

I’d be curious to read about your professions, the pros and cons you see, and how they impact you and your daily life.

Thank you for reading and supporting my blog!




Interesting and honest
Good luck and I wish you perseverance

I have been working as a tourist guide for a few years now and I see that the disadvantages of the job are almost the same as yours.

On the other hand, there are other advantages and there are really many of them.

Thank you! I really wrote everything as it is, from the bottom of my heart 😄

I think our professions have similar downsides because it’s all about working with people )

But if we continue working in our profession, it means that no matter the downsides, the advantages are more important to us )

Trainers also want to relax occasionally, eat something unhealthy, and not worry about what others think.

How very true, as I witnessed. But you don't need to worry, just don't let your clients know 😉

Sometimes we all need just take a pause and let go of control.
In Croatia my diet was far from healthy, you saw that 😂
But I really enjoyed it!

Trainers also want to relax occasionally, eat something unhealthy, and not worry about what others think.

When I was a teenager I had a personal trainer who I became good friends with. I eventually started babysitting for him and there were some nights afterwards where we just sat down, played some games, and ate some junk food!

Cool! It’s great to find both a professional trainer and an awesome friend in one person, with whom you can relax and let go of constant control )