Floating ideas

in WorkLifelast year


One can resist the invasion of an army but one cannot resist the invasion of ideas.

- Victor Hugo -

I've had an interesting couple of days, unexpected to some degree but also not altogether unanticipated or unwelcome. I use the word interesting broadly as there's other adjectives to describe the happenings - no matter which though it's been a good couple of days for me, a man who is always open to new ideas.

Being comfortable and seeking change has opened pathways to explore in life, brought me to amazing places physically, great success and monumental failures...which I've learned from and subsequently turned into triumphs...or more failures that brought success at best and wisdom at the very least. The journey, those paths, are what I call my life, the ultimate journey.

I've been directly approached three times in the last two days in respect of new professional pathways, new ideas, and it's brought the opportunity for a change in direction, growth, development, challenge and the opportunity to apply my skills in new ways.

What I've found most interesting is the way in which those who have approached me have floated those new ideas, how they have pitched themselves with the idea of swaying me their way.

If I had the choice I'd choose not to work, it doesn't fulfill me, bring me relevance or define who I am in any way.

There's so many things I'd rather be doing than work, a infinite number of things really, but I have to work. What I don't have to do is work at something I don't like, and so I'm selective about who gets my time from a professional perspective. Essentially, this means I simply won't accept or stay at a role simply because the money is good - I need money, but a fulfilled and enjoyable life is more important than it and more and more money doesn't always provide that life.

With this in mind, I was interested to see how two of the three of those that approached me focused primarily on remuneration when floating their ideas to me. The third, to their great credit, asked me what was important, took the time to learn my motivators, what I needed from an employer and job role perspective then spread their pitch over multiple elements that addressed those things. They did what I would have done, a needs analysis, which gave them a better idea on how to pitch to me; smart. Well done them!

They covered many things based on what I told them like the management style I prefer to deliver and that which I respond to, my desired level of autonomy (which is high), support structure, reporting, KPI's, CRM, progression and other things specific to the role which I'd not like to disclose here...then we talked about the remuneration. Of course, I'd negotiate that last as accepting what they in initially offer isn't a good demonstration of who I am as a professional and I told them so which they responded well to; it let them know they're dealing with a professional operator, not some bumpkin. It was a nice process, certainly better than the other two.

One of the things I've done well in my professional life is ask questions and listen.

I've never been the leader to dictate to the team; sure, there's been times when directives have been delivered with the expectation of them being carried out to the letter and without question, but the ability to do so has come from groundwork laid ahead of time, empowering the team, making them feel valid and valuable to the unit and that their opinions and ideas are welcomed. It makes sense that I respond to the same, the needs analysis for example, rather than being pitched to by people who don't know what I may or may not respond to with their biggest pitch being, we'll pay you a fuckload of money.

Remuneration is important in my professional life, I don't come for free, but it's not the highest point on my list of motivators; top three I'd say.

I wonder what motivates you from a professional perspective. Is it money, work-life balance, power, prestige, accolades or awards, support, job-security or satisfaction, perks and add-ons, autonomy, progression...if someone was floating the idea of you working for them what would you respond favourably to and why? Feel free to let me know in the comments below or comment on any thoughts this post may bring you, I always respond.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
The image is my own - Venice, Italy


One of the things I've done well in my professional life is ask questions and listen.

This is an inspiring thought for many new comers who pretend to be more knowledgeable than others...and often get into trouble career.

Asking questions and listening to understand is a good way to discover the best ways to proceed. There's a way to do it, not firing questions Spanish Inquisition style of course, I prefer to make it conversational mostly and if done right and some strategy is applied great results often ensue - I mean professionally here. And personally, the same really, it's just done a little differently...and the results can be somewhat different of course, but equally advantageous.

That is what were taught too since childhood... "listen first and then reply". This is to show respect to other as well....cutting the conversation midway is kind of disrespect be it anyone.

Yep, interjecting and talking over people is a sure-fire way to annoy them. It's best to be patient, listen, understand and then respond accordingly. It shows respect, gains respect and will improve results from any communication.

It makes a good repo and help in easily getting to the outcome... communication is all about talk between communicator and listener.

I don't seem to see the part where you mentioned whether you ultimately accepted the job offer! If you did, I'd like to extend my congratulations and best wishes for your new endeavor! 😅

I admire the way you managed the entire process of being headhunted. It genuinely reflects your character and personality, traits that any potential employer would value, giving them a clear understanding of the person they are bringing on board! 👏

From a professional perspective, my primary motivation is job satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. While financial rewards and work-life balance are important, the intrinsic fulfillment I derive from my work, the knowledge that I'm making a meaningful contribution, and the opportunity to continuously learn and grow are the driving forces behind my professional pursuits. Otherwise, I would have left my role as an Auditor a long time ago! 😅

I don't seem to see the part where you mentioned whether you ultimately accepted the job offer!

I won't elaborate on this aspect until I'm ready to, and may not at all.

I think being direct can be of great advantage, it lets people know where they stand. Of course, there's a time to be cautious, circumspect and to play one's cards close to the chest, but being open, forthright and candid is how I like to be in a lot of my interactions. With a prospective employer it means they know where they stand, know what they're paying for and what they'll get, it helps in negotiations or ends them, but if they continue along generally a win-win situation will be found.

You mention job satisfaction and that's not always easily found...but if once can move closer to it rather than away from it life tends to become more balanced. I believe in a work to live ethos, not live to work, but I put a lot into what I do professionally and always have...just like I put a lot into what I do personally.

if they continue along generally a win-win situation will be found.

Yeah I completely agree on this, it's essentially a "take it or leave it" scenario once both parties have revealed their positions, and I believe this approach has the potential to streamline the entire hiring process, making it more efficient!

Yeah working to live is rather disheartening. The relentless hustle and bustle seems never-ending, and it's essential for us to discover the art of savoring life beyond the confines of their occupation or the glow of a computer screen, as is the case for many nowadays 😰

Despite the extended hours invested in my work, I genuinely relish what I do; it captivates my interest, and I continuously find myself in a state of growth and learning within the company (for now). I'm well aware that this ongoing learning curve will act as a catalyst, propelling my professional journey to a point where I can then pause and relish the fruits of my labor 🙏

Balance those extended hours with valuable, valid and present hours in your personal life and you're on the right track. Just remember, there's more important things though. If I told you today that you have three months to live I'm (pretty sure) you'd rather spend them anywhere else but work and with the people around you who are meaningful and loved. I'd be amazed if someone said they'd rather be at work in this situation, and I'd never believe them. Just an example to demonstrate that things change and that time only goes one way.

This definitely remind me of the #weekend-engagement topic that you came up with in the first week of Sep 2023 where we talked about embracing the final 12 months and what we would do! Work definitely did not come up in my post 😅

Yeah, I do that from time to time in the topics because people forget or neglect to think about it, acknowledge and accept it. In doing so though, a person can design their life a little better I think.

Yeah it draws individual to really think hard about their life and put things in perspective for sure!

Excellent post to be very honest, I think if the vast majority of people had the option of not working they wouldn't do it and I think that's why many people are unhappy because they work in things they don't love and I understand them because they have no other option to support their families and their main motivation will always be money I would say in my case that the most important thing is the balance between my personal life and work if I had economic freedom I would work in the same thing because I really love what I work in.

Thank you, I appreciate that.

Loving one's work, finding enjoyment, satisfaction, challenge and emotional reward are good reasons to be there. Sure, we need to earn money, especially in this modern day society, but if we can do it and find some of those other things as well, it makes sense.

Balance...you say this is what you seek and I think that's smart, and if a person holds to that, actively works towards it, then I think they'll be happier in life and better at professional and personal endeavours.

Always is good to see someone you interact with doing well. I'm glad things are going well for you, mate 😁

'Ask question and listen' is the best advice of the day. I like that ideology.

In my personal case, I chose to work in the healthcare sector over many other options, not for the economic remuneration (it's one of the worst salaries in my country), but for personal fulfillment. Knowing that you can help many people with your knowledge, save lives, and be part of something bigger felt like an incredible idea, and so far, I feel like I made the right choice. I know that economic remuneration will grow over time, but I'll always be better off if I can help someone with their health. As for the balance between work and life, that's still an aspect I need to improve because work takes up a lot of my time and isn't what I'd like. I'd like to have more time to enjoy life, but I've been making changes little by little that will help me improve this aspect in the long run.

Mate, I'm really happy 😄 for you and wish you continued opportunities and especially success in what you do 😎

Listening to others is fast becoming unfashionable I think, people are too caught up in themselves. It's sad and pathetic.

You're clearly engaged and passionate about what you do and that's going to make you better at it every day of the week, so well done on that...and it's good to see you're seeking improvement. The continual improvement ethos I've had my whole life has brought tremendous results and it will for you also.

You raise an important point - understanding what motivates each individual is key before making a pitch to them. I appreciate you highlighting the recruiter who took the time to learn your motivators and tailored their pitch accordingly. That personal touch goes a long way.

It's important to understand whomever we communicate with as miscommunication doesn't lead to the best results or outcomes. I appreciated the company that took the time to do so, which doesn't mean I don't appreciate the other two, just that I feel better (at this stage) about the one that did.

I appreciate you taking the time to explain your perspective. It makes sense that you would feel most positively about the company that made an effort to understand you and your needs.

You're welcome, I always respond to valid comments.

but a fulfilled and enjoyable life is more important than it, and more and more money doesn't always provide that life.

This is the reason I stopped working in a place. Any work that will take away that fun, enjoyable, and pleasant part of my life is not worth my time or thought, no matter how tempting they make the money seem.

I'd rather work in a place where I can be at peace and live my life in a very good way as I see fit.

Also, listening to others' ideas instead of pitching yours on them shows how great of a leader you are. This is a skill that can never be taught in school. It comes from experience, and I am glad to read you are that experienced to know and apply that.

I think you're on the right track, life is too short to spend doing something we hate right?

I like to think I've been a good leader and have the skills to keep being that; I think, should you ask those I've led they'll mostly say the same. I've worked hard at it.

Yes, it is too short for those sort of sad drama.

I can see in your writing that you truly are. That's very admirable.

First of all, it's great that one of those three people responded to your concerns and not just like a salesman or imposing something. I am very glad that there are already people who look at the needs of others.

In my case I would like to have a work-life balance. Another thing is that I like the work, that it is within my interests, that it gives me the possibility to progress, a certain autonomy. Of course money is important, you need it to live, but the other things are also very important.

Hugs Galen!

It's all good...I didn't really have concerns, just questions and one of the three addressed them well, the other two seemed only to have, we'll pay you a lot, as the bait on the hook.

hahahahaha that's all they had, little initiative and question solving....

First of all, I learn a lot just by reading this blog. For me, your professional perspective is amazing, which is hard to find somewhere else (I think). As of now, based on my feelings what motivates me from a professional perspective are two things, and of course, one of them is money and the other one is my desire to share the knowledge that I acquired from being an I.T. professional for fifteen years.

Money and the desire to share knowledge huh? Two reasonable motivators. You don't value self improvement and satisfaction though?

I do value self improvement, I am still conducting some self-study and involving myself in the technologies of IT. In fact, the IT guy who now holds my former position is still in touch with me whenever he needs some help in the IT infrastructure of my former employer. In terms of satisfaction, I think I already satisfied my dream of becoming a tech guy. But the satisfaction of fully sharing my knowledge at the moment is still in doubt (I think).

I hope you also find satisfaction in your personal life, I think that's the most important thing.

I agree and thank you. Have a nice day ahead.

When you have a reason to fight for in life, there are no doubts, no dislikes, no boredom, just the sense of duty, doing what I like and contributing to society for me this is enough to get ahead every day, live a life with satisfaction and leave meaningful footprints are well worth it.

I always avoid the easy way, I prefer to occupy the perfect niche and not choose a job for money or fame, just because I enjoy it and I know how to do it. the results will come

Enjoying ones job makes it easier to do and one more effective at it, so well done on that.

You say, you never take the easy way. If you mean, you never shy away from difficult things, I agree with it...if you mean you purposely choose the difficult paths when there other options...I guess I don't agree necessarily.

Neither an easy road, nor a difficult road Galen, years of traveling and even so, it is possible that I did not choose what was a priority at that time, from these well-learned experiences now I dedicate myself much more to those things that I like, that I am good at and productive.

Experience heightens our understanding of things and we can push forward commensurate to the lessons learned from experiences both good and bad.

Exactly, experience makes us experts, and in that way to see how excellence arises, our masterpiece.

Money is certainly important in life but it's not a priority and not everything. Work-life balance is equally important because if we have money and no time to spend then I think it's of no use. I expect to have money that is good enough for necessities in life and whatever I am happy to earn while having a good balance in my work-life balance. Running behind money and losing time and health is something that I am not okay with. I also understand that different people have different thoughts.

The impact on a bad working scenario upon overall health and life is massive and trading life off for a few dollars by doing a job or being in a work situation a person loathes seems wasteful of life. Sometimes there's no alternatives, I understand, but if there are I believe a person should be considering them.

It's a very nice situation and problem to have.

In literally all cases, it's many employees chasing after one job so employers can be picky. But there's always going to be the top level of talent that all employers want, and when they chase after those talents, for some bazziare reasons many still stay in the same mass market mentality.

For me, my work motivation, would be, in no particular order money, being respected and valued by the company and doing a job I enjoy. In my penultimate job, after nearly a 20 year stint with them, I ended up with the last only. Then I moved to my last job thinking it would be good to try something very different from my previous role. But I never 'got' the role and did not enjoy it at all even though I was capable of delivering. So although I got the first two motivators, it was just painful to carry on. Luckily I was in a position where I could afford not to work and that was the end of my working life... and the start of full time blogging (which doesn't pay my bills that well 🙃)

A person needs to know when to move on, and I believe if an employee stays purely for the reasons of gathering money they may put their overall happiness in life in jeopardy; yes, we all need money to live, but having it and living miserably isn't generally going to work so well.

Those eight it so hours at work can have a huge effect on the other sixteen hours of the day and, I think at least, a person should be making the right overall choices, as you seem to have done, to minimise the risk of leading a life less engaging and fullfilled as it probably should be.

I always think that whatever I do in my professional life there will be leisure of my mind. Like I won't let there should be no burden on my of mind what I am doing.
In holidays from University I joined school where I thought students of primary level and I felt that inner happiness and that's what I really want from my professional life. Professional also help me to grow and excel in the field.
Yeah money is the thing from which I cannot deny because it's need of living. So if I sum up I will say that in professional life I want satisfaction that whatever I am doing is good for me and second is money.

Putting your wellbeing and happiness ahead of money is more likely to see you gather more of it because you'll be more prepared to inject the effort into your work, be more efficient and effective. I think they go hand in hand:

I've really realized over the past five years or so that my time is more important than my money. Working in the public sector, I just don't make that much. I do well enough to live comfortably, but I know it isn't what I could make if I went to the private sector. However, I get to come and go as I please and I run a whole department making unilateral decisions that impact the direction of the district and that feels good (most of the time). Even if I could leave, I am not sure I would. Good luck with the decisions you have ahead of you.

It's good to hear contentment, that's important.

So many are always looking over the fence at what might be there, sort of like how a consumer these days rarely feels content with their new purchase and seeks the latest version of it...that breeds discontent and unhappiness and that's not much of a way to live. To hear you're (mostly) happy and would stay there because of that reason, leads me to believe you have a better overall life as well. (Better than that drive towards more, better and different just because.)

Don't get me wrong, I occasionally feel the pull of making more money or the jealousy of wanting more, but when I really break it down, I have a pretty blessed life and I am happy with that.

Well said and you're not the only one. I just think it's best to know what you need and play to it, find happiness and contentment. I know many very wealthy people who are not happy or any happier than you and I.

Hmm that's an interesting question.. I would like to think that I am more suited to be a follower/someone working behind the scenes, so having someone who is a good leader is something that I would respond favourably to. I find that it's rare to find good leaders these days.

I like the fact you know that about yourself, and yes, good leaders are thin on the ground and that situation will only get worse from here.

But...we are all leaders in some way, even from behind the scenes as you say. Setting a good example, being structured, efficient, personable, mannered, courteous and so on...these things are being a good leader as they are noticed and most often emulated and respected. Just saying...a leader doesn't always need to be a designated person with a title, greater income, stripes on the shoulder...we are all leaders in some fashion.

Yup I get where you are coming from. :)

I always prefer interrogation. Like what is the work actually about? Does it fit my schedule or not..
As you know mental and physical health is more important than money. What to do with the money if you are disturbed mentally..

we'll pay you a fuckload of money


This is a good and thoughtful write up.

You're young and have a long way to go yet, but starting out with some thoughts and values around your life, personal and professional, and what you want it to be like, is more likely to bring you the life you want, or closer to it because we rarely get everything we want in life.

Of course, there'll be some challenges and some may be insurmountable however facing them and learning from them is more likely to move you in the right direction.

Your words are always so motivational and inspirational (or maybe I find).

I always use a sentence "trying if not achieving".
It doesn't matter if something isn't achieved at least I tried for it. Might be in the next attempt we get what we shoot for.

Shoot for the moon and land among the stars😉

Thank you, I appreciate that.

I hope you don't mind but I'm going to correct your last phrase. It's meant to go:

Shoot for the stars and hit the moon.

It's that way around because the stars are higher (farther) than the moon is.

I never mind, mate. Instead it added to my knowledge that Stars are much farther than moon

And here is this dumb guy(me), who always thought stars are before the moon 😂🥹

So, your phrase is correct ✔️

I want get that money si can Say those words with propierty, here is hard to find those type of Jobs i wish get a secure entry sometimes haha, this doesnt mean anything Bad just tryn to say the enjoyable life Will come for me after a SECURE JOB when i can be sure i can play rent and medicine, took me almoust 2 moth get out of a medical problem and today i got that small surgery i was seeking, now i need find a way to cost me threatment of pills, antibiótics. Those type of stuff drain the Brain in a Bad way. Hope this comment isnt too Bad just wanted to talk ir out. ❣️⚡🤛🏻

I understand that secure work can be difficult to find, especially in the financial/economic situation the world is in, and some locations in particular, and I understand that income, money, is critical in this world. I guess my situation is different to some due to my location in an affluent country and my age and how long I've been in the workforce. That doesn't mean I don't need money, the cost of living here is high and I have basic needs as does every person on the planet, needs that cost money to secure.

I hope you are able to obtain the medicines you require and can manage to heal yourself quickly then locate the right job. Good luck.

Yes, I love it. I personally find it to be a responsible action in most cases to find what you love doing and do that for a living. As a professional photographer myself I find massive satisfaction in the shoot itself. Remuneration is, for lack of a better description, "a necessary evil"

I feel conflicted about those who enter a position based solely on remuneration. I doubt the integrity of such a person.

Can one truly trust the ethics of someone who, in the words of the late, great Tina Turner, "keeps their mind on the money"

Liking what we do makes us better at it, in my opinion anyway, although I suppose most people would prefer to something other than what they do for work - It's not always possible.

You're a professional photographer huh? Seems like a legit job...I'm not a very good one, I try though, and manage to get a reasonable shot now and then. I'm perfected a really cool strategy...point and press shutter release. The rest is left to chance.

In my humble opinion photography is less a job than it is an expression of an inner desire to capture a moment in time. Although I am qualified and I know ratios, techniques, and timing, I too am very specific about my clientele these days. It is not enough to prostitute ourselves out to a bank balance. I applaud your dedication to the pursuit of more than just monetary gain.

Please if you will also tell me how to vote and gift... I press the icons but I am still in the dark.

Hmm...ok well I need to let you know I do all my own photos on Hive, and occasionally do a "photography" post...I have limited skill, not enough interest to learn just yet and not time to do so anyway so...be kind. Lol.

Please if you will also tell me how to vote and gift... I press the icons but I am still in the dark.

Ok...I've just delegated 1000HP (hive power) to you. It's mine but on loan to you so your vote has a little behind it, being low on RC (resource credits) might have affected the vote-ability you had. I'll leave the delegation with you until you earn some HP of your own.

The voting...Just click on the little heart as per the image below to upvote.


The image below shows you how to downvote. Click the three dots and a drop down will open.


With gifting...don't worry about that, you don't have enough to gift and should be focusing on gathering not gifting at this stage.

My advice: *10-15 outbound (top level) comments per day on other people's posts after you have read them. Make them interesting and relevant...it's how relationships form and that's how you'll start to get better votes. Post once a day with passion, personality and effort and those you engage with will have something to see when they check you out.

If you have questions don't be afraid to ask me or my brother @tarazkp and @meesterboom, @revisesociology or @slobberchops will be happy to help you too.

Thank you so much for your advice.

No worries, I'm here to help. Been around for over six years and feel it's my duty.

Also thank you for the hp boost. I really appreciate the help.

No worries, use it to vote on others and leave a comment when you do.

There's so many things I'd rather be doing than work, a infinite number of things really, but I have to work. What I don't have to do is work at something I don't like

This reminded me of the Mark Twain quote "Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life." I think you being able to choose which jobs to take is a really enviable position. Most of the people I know tend to choose the one that pays the most. Although after the pandemic, more employees are putting more emphasis on work life balance, and WFH setup.

For me, I think the biggest requirement is the work environment. I've been in a toxic workplace, and I had to leave even with the higher salary because I don't like it. The next would probably be a good mix of salary and work-life balance.

Yep, that's sort of the premise, although I'd rather travel the world forever than work at even the most favourable job.

Toxic workplaces are the worst, so demoralising...the only real option is what you did, extricating yourself from the situation.

I'd rather travel the world forever

It's not too late to start now. There are a lot of jobs that are travel related. A lot of influencers get to travel, and they charge the trip's cost as an expense so almost 'free'. I'm not saying you can do it instantly, but you can start small, and as you gain following, the revenue can pay for the trips at least.

Dude, I've been to almost every country on the planet already...I just haven't seen everything; I wasn't saying I haven't travelled.

I never said you haven't travelled. I don't know where you got that from my statement, but that's how you took it, and I can't do anything about it. What I did say is you can start making traveling your work since that is what you wanted to do.

If you just wanted to brag you've been to almost every country on the planet, I can respect that. 😀

No worries, all good.

Brag?? Hmm, ok...an interesting choice of word.

I would like to volunteer. It gives me an opportunity to do something I can do cheerfully thereby measuring my patience.

Volunteering is a valuable pursuit.

One photo and the rewards are very big for this post.
Analyze his page.


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100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @steemflow by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

The champ @steemflow does it once again...Thanks mate.

Haha...was pretty occupied with festival....😉 The season has just begun in India


It was Durga Puja / Dusshera. Diwali will be on 12 Nov

Ah ok, I don't know all the holidays/events/festivals I guess...although they do the Diwali thing here and I knew it was close.