in AFRI-TUNES7 months ago

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Welcome to AFRI-TUNES WEEK 128, and my cover for this week is Four Days By kiss Daniel.


Daniel found a perfect love in the song and couldn't find a better way to express her feelings and he was forced to pour out his mind towards her through Music.

Girl, I've been loving you for days anytime you call my name , it's like I'm getting crazy , it's just a matter of time before you are mine.
Daniel goes on to beg her to honestly reciprocate to his feelings with the line: “Don’t betray me,” and pleads, don’t be a liar.” [Delilah]😊.

Daniel sing further to assure her he will protect her and be a good boyfriend to her : If they laugh at you nah thunder and if you travel baby come back.
Daniel express the power of love in 4days and the motivation to go for what you like, love is a beautiful thing and you don't need to be shy while expressing your feelings to your lover.

Thank you all for reading through and God bless you


I've been searching for the right one
I've been searching for you all along
Darling am searching no more

Baby girl you are such a miracle
Thank your mama, You beautiful fine
I will take my time with you
I will take it slow oh oh

Girl I am loving you for days
Anytime you call my name
E be like I dey craze
Igbaa die loku oh
die die loku oh
Girl I am loving you for days
Anytime you call my name
E be like I dey craze
Igbaa die loku oh
die die loku oh

Settle down
Settle down
So crazy
I go finish work for you tonight
Be careful baby
You are kryptonite
Dont betray me
Dont be delilah
If dem laugh at you na thunder
And if you travel baby come back
No do wayo chop another banana, no no

Girl I am loving you for days
Anytime you call my name
E be like I dey craze
Igbaa die loku oh
die die loku oh
Girl I am loving you for days
Anytime you call my name
E be like I dey craze
Igbaa die loku oh
die die loku oh
Boy Kiss Daniel



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Another kiss Daniel song?? Wow 😮😮😮

How are you always able to come up with such specular renditions.

Your voice is so melodious and heart melting, keep up the good work always brother 💪🏾💯💯💯

Thanks boss
I really appreciate you always.
Thanks once again 👍

mad oh see another Kizz Daniel here oh haha 😂
That was great dear 🥰

Thanks my oga I really appreciate
Your comment baami

What an interesting piece of write-up! It's very heartlifting! Thank you so much for sharing this and nice cover, you rock it.
With adequate persistence and continued reorientation, you are getting there eventually

Thanks boss
Your comment is heartwarming
I really love it , thanks for your comment always.

I am with you always. Great and inspiring write up couple with a wonderful presentation, Your face show your shoes 👟 👟 shine undisputedrar I love your swags Sir. Respect to u.
You are amazing 😍

One black bullet 🍺 beer for yóu like that
You dan dey make my head swell up... Thanks baaami

Masterpiece! . Thanks for your selfless commitment towards building a better platform on Afritunes, your consistency is topnotch.

Thanks baba
I really appreciate you , it was never easy but consistency is the key, and we are improving everyday, thanks 🙏

if you found me reacting on your story, do consider it as a compliment. I don't normally comment on post, I just go through and pinpoint every writeup I needed , and watch some videos... Continue to work hard
Its gonna pay off one day

Oh wow
To whom do I owe all this heartwarming comments from every angles, you guy are really giving me goosebumps, I love you all, thanks for your consistency on my post.

Beautiful presentation, keep it up