My Music Goals and Lessons Learned Along The Way

in AFRI-TUNES2 months ago (edited)

Everyone sets goals, but only few people actually achieve them. And out of these highly-motivated people that achieve their goals, only a fraction of them are truly satisfied with their accomplishments.


As we enter the new year, I personally tend to think of it as a new beginning, as an opportunity to change, to grow. Almost like a blank canvas, this massive amount of time feels endless with possibilities. So how do I start? How do I succeed?

One of my first music goal for the year is to learn how to stop comparing myself with other artists.

Way back in school during my NCE days, I'd compared myself with several artists, wondering why I couldn't sing as perfect as they do I have feel discouraged countless of times, thinking I wasn't talented enough. I even remember my Praise team leader telling me "Hillel I want you to start singing like Travis Grenne".

I told myself that comparison is the thief of joy. Focus on your own unique style and progress." Those words stuck with me, and I've carried them into other areas of my life. Now, I remind myself that everyone's journey is different, and comparison only hinders growth. Instead, I focus on my own path, celebrating small wins and learning from my mistakes.

Comparing myself to other musicians or artists is super unhelpful. So I must strive to be inspired by those musicians, not jealous.

My second music goal for the year is to take two from my original songs to the next level through professional production.

Yeah, you heard that well. After years of pouring my heart and soul into songwriting, I've decided it's time to bring these tracks to life. My catalog is filled with meaningful songs that I'm eager to share with the world.

Some of my songs include:

  1. Karbi: this song talks more on giving out my life to God to do whatsoever he want to do with it.
  2. Come Have Your Way: is a heartfelt invitation to surrender to God allowing him to have his way in my life.
  3. Graduates' Pain" - this song is about the excitement of graduation day and the sense of accomplishment, the pride of overcoming obstacles, and the excitement of finally achieving your goal. But, as the celebrations die down and reality sets in, and different kind of pain begins to emerge.

This production journey will not only take my music to the next level but also provide an opportunity to collaborate with talented producers, musicians, and other music experts.

I'm looking forward to this creative and amazing adventure and can't wait to share the final products with everyone in the @afri-tunes community


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This is a lovely idea my friend. I hope this happens soon