A couple of years back someone on Twitter suggested I try Delta 8 as an alternative to Cannabis. At the time, Cannabis had just been legalized in NY but no dispensaries had opened yet. Delta 8 being derived from Hemp however was available all over the place. It was a legal loophole in the way they wrote the Hemp Farm Bill that allowed Delta 8 to be sold legally in most places in the country where Cannabis was still illegal.
At the time I started using Delta 8, I was suffering from serious lower back pain. I did a little research and decided to give it a try. IMHO, the benefits seemed to outweigh the risks. I'm all for natural, and Delta 8 is pretty much lab-created THC. Whereas Cannabis is all-natural goodness. Which I guess brings us to most people's first gripe, it's not natural. I get that and completely agree. I prefer natural over lab created almost always! It just makes sense and the natural choice is usually the healthier choice. I'll still stand by that statement too. Natural is better!
OK, once we get past the fact that it's lab-created, what's everyone's beef with Delta 8? Every time I do a post about it, I always get one or two comments that just say, "Delta 8 sucks". Happens here occasionally and on Twitter all the time. You just can't post about the product without people claiming the product sucks.
When I first started using Delta 8 I had been cannabis free for a long time. I guess you could say I was a social smoker. I rarely purchased it, but if I was at a party and someone passed me a doob, I'd hit it. So technically I never really quit smoking pot, I just smoked a lot less. Maybe a few times a year. Says more about my social life I guess.
So the first time I smoked Delta 8, it's safe to say it had been several months since I smoked cannabis. I had no tolerance. For the non-pot smokers out there, you build a tolerance to THC when you smoke it often. This is why some stoners take breaks from time to time, helping to reset their tolerance levels.
Without any tolerance to THC products, my first time smoking Delta 8 was an awesome experience. I got high, it was a little less intense than a cannabis buzz, and it seemed to work wonders for my lower back pain issues and my arthritis. On top of that, unlike cannabis, most people experience close to zero anxiety when smoking Delta 8, Cannabis on the other hand has a way of making us feel anxious and even a bit paranoid at times. Delta 8 is well known to be exempt of these anxiety traits unless smoked in incredibly large quantities. If I'm being truthful, for someone that's looking to medicate and not looking for an intense high, Delta 8 might even be the better product.
So Why Do Most Stoners Claim Delta 8 Sucks?
I'm going to say it's based on the tolerance levels we build when smoking regular cannabis. Delta 8 THC is much weaker than the full spectrum THC you receive from Cannabis consumption. Based on that alone, most heavy cannabis users are going to feel very little from Delta 8. It just doesn't slap you in the face like a good hit of cannabis.
For the most part, I tend to smoke Delta 8 during the daytime hours if I'm feeling a little sore. My main reason beings that I can function and it doesn't have me couch locked on the sofa. I can do whatever work needs to be done and go about my business throughout the day. At night, I tend to bust out the good stuff. After dinner, instead of Miller time, I'll bust out some Strawbery Kush, Cotton Candy, or Fruity Pebbles. Where the hell do these names come from? LOL
One of the first things I realized when I started smoking cannabis regularly was that the Delta 8 just didn't hit me the way it used to. Honestly, I felt close to nothing. I decided to do an experiment over the last week. I stopped smoking cannabis altogether and returned to smoking strictly Delta 8. It took almost a week before I actually began feeling the euphoric qualities of the Delta 8 high. I'm guessing, I still receive the pain relief benefits even though I don't have that dopey feeling. Still, it took almost a week, to start feeling "The Buzz". That's really interesting to me.
I also think the source of Delta 8 makes a huge difference. I bought some Sour Diesel Delta 8 on sale online. It's not very potent. I still had some White Whale Delta 8, and it's a much more potent product. So, the source definitely matters. I've also bought some locally that just completely knocked my socks off, and then found other products locally that barely buzzed me at all. Still, cannabis use will lower the desired effects from Delta 8 regardless of how potent the product is.
Truthfully, cannabis smoking in some ways ruined my Delta 8 experience. I also get why most heavy cannabis users think Delta 8 sucks. If you're smoking cannabis daily, it's probably overpowering any effect you'd feel from Delta 8 and it's going to probably take a few days after Cannabis use to start feeling the Delta 8 again. At least this has been my experience.
My understanding is that NY is trying to ban Delta 8 products soon. IDK, seems odd, they'd ban a milder form of THC. We are starting to see some health issues though with Hemp products like THC-O and other lab-created variations. I believe those are mainly vape cart issues and respiratory issues due to the heavy use of vaping products. Most agree edibles are probably safest with these lab-created products. I tend to enjoy smoking though. I haven't found a vaping product I like. I've found vaping THC extremely harsh, and that goes for both the Delta 8 products and the traditional cannabis-derived vaped products as well.
Anyway, to sum it all up in one word. Why do most stoners claim Delta 8 sucks... TOLERANCE. If you've built up your tolerance with Cannabis products, Delta 8 will probably do very little for you as far as buzz. You're probably still receiving the health benefits of the product if there are any and mild pain relief. As far as buzz though, it's just not going to be there unless you consume A LOT.
Disclaimer: This post isn't an endorsement of delta 8 or cannabis and THC products. Nothing here should be construed as medical advice. This is just me, sharing my experience with like-minded people in our cannabis community. Thanks for reading and remember, DYOR isn't just for crypto!
Posted using WeedCash Network
:P Fruity Pebbles was my favorite name.
Just do the delta to reap the benefits then..? all good.
They come up with some funny names.
I enjoy both... The cannabis is good when you want that little bit more :)
Delta 9 is still illegal here in Tx and getting it has been too much of a hassle so I just started buying 8 'flower' instead. At first it had no real effect but it does give me that feeling of smoking something and it has worked pretty well for that (way cheaper as well). An added bonus was my tolerance decreased significantly for the real stuff. When I move to a different state or the laws change, I will just grow my own. I did try the cannabis vape pens on a trip to california, didn't really like it and had the worst cough for a good week or two afterwards. Convenience seems like the only reason to vape anything, but still not worth it IMO.
Exactly why I tried Delta 8 as well.
I'm going to start taking breaks, between the real stuff and delta 8 for this exact reason. I've had similar experiences. When you hit the real stuff after smoking delta 8 for a while, it hits you hard!
Thinking about doing that this summer.
A friend gave me a medical vape pen as a gift. I couldn't believe how harsh it was. Same thing with D8 and regular cannabis carts. I like them for taking a hit or two in the house when it's cold outside or raining, but I couldn't imagine vaping daily. I also get a severe case of "vape cough" when I overuse mine. I never trusted vaping. Ironically, vaping is what helped me quit nicotine. A completely different experience though. Nicotine vaped smooth, THC is harsh as hell for some reason.
Same here, I hated the smell of cigarettes and vaping was the absolute easiest way to slowly drop my nicotine consumption until I felt I no longer needed it. I quit for a few years but have since gone back to pipe tobacco/cigars occasionally and/or dip now. I have grown my own tobacco this past year and it's surprisingly not too difficult, but curing has been a pain in the ass to get right. Has to stay moist and warm but not too moist or too warm or else it gets moldy fast and requires attention almost everyday. Most of the tobacco I grew is now relegated for use as insecticide for the garden lol.
Gracias por estar siempre pendiente de mi publicaciones ,me duele por que gasto mas de lo que percibo me siento que todos los años de estudio en varias academia de bellas artes no reconocieran mi profesión lamento que por lo que veo no comprare mis lentes,materiales didácticos para seguir trabajando dios es grande y el me va ayudar con ustedes que aman las artes.Ramaco
At least ur not in japan where ur stuck with some semi legal research spice chemical called THC-O lollllo fuck that shit smokin japanese fake weed spice in some office building store meant to feel like a california dispensary but all they sell are stomache churning nasty spice chemicals lol
Ao were lucky to at least have like natural weed kist grown with more or less of a certain thc varient
There's a lot of that sort of thing going on around here too. NY state is trying to outlaw all the non-cannabis alternatives. Spice and bath salts have been illegal in this state for some time now.
It seems that is what prohibition creates, dangerous alternatives to the real thing.