Do you see what I see?

Hey everyone, long time for me to post here in weedcash, but thought I'd come share what's going on over here.

Do you see what I see?!🍃😋
I can not take credit, except for the fact I provided a seed I had found.... And I keep the chickens from getting to it🤣🤣. Otherwise, my son has kept up with it.

In total we have 3 plants and another 1 sprouted.




The sprout was injured 🤷 and was trying to die. But I cut it and am trying to get it to take root. We did that on the smaller plant of the 3. It broke and we took the top and planted it. Trying it again. Lol, we'll see. They're all of an unnamed strain (maybe at some point it had a name🤷) Who knows, what I do know is it'll smoke.🍃🤪


Hey! Long time no see, it’s been awhile. So long we have made our own community since the founder of Weedcash abandoned the platform.