What's up Weed Nerds! So with a transplant my tent is starting to fill up. Just think, Ill be adding a clone or two very soon. At lease I hope. There are a few strains that I really want to grow, and I am afraid if I wait till next round those strains will be discontinued. Chili Verde is one of those cuts that I really want. Then there is the Wedding Cake. But I have a felling Wedding Cake most likely will be there for my next round of growing. We will see. Even if I just skip getting a cutting right now, I will do just fine. Especially now that I have corrected a huge, but minor mistake from last rounds mistake.
The mistake was letting the humidity get to low during VEG. For a few weeks my tent was in the mid 30%, and I was loving it! Until my plants started to get a Calcium deficiency. No matter how much Cal/Mag I added, the problem kept getting worse. Not until I started to spray my plants with water did I start to see improvement. But even that was not good enough. Being cheap, and not thinking I needed a humidifier was a costly mistake. Well look at me now ma! I have 2! Actually just bought one, but then recently found an extra one here at my work.
I even bought myself an Inkbird controller to automate the humidifiers. What a relief! Without this Inkbird, I would be running out of water every day. Not to mention have these machines running, and pumping moisture in the air when it is not needed.

I just have to make sure my airflow stays good. With these two Oscillating fans, I am good to go. Can you believe that one on the right has been running for almost 2 years now?
Yeap it's a Vivosun fan, and so is my 390CFM inline fan. Yes Vivosun has got some bad publicity over the past year, but I am actually a happy customer. I have nothing but good stuff to say about there products.
Even this heating seed tray is a Vivosun product! Ok enough about VS, I am not here to shill their products, but just showing my setup so you all can get a good idea of what is needed for an indoor setup.

The only thing missing here is my dehumidifier, which is another must have item for the indoor grower. Since I am in VEG mode, I wont have to worry about that until I reach flower.
My Kingbright 600 Watt Led is rocking. I have it at 40% power at the moment. Having the ability to set the driver on the outside of the tent has been a god send. This is another upgrade since the last round. I am very interested to see how my plants perform with the added additions.

So far I am happy all around. I do think I am once again going in over my head a tad, but I am growing quite a few Regs, and I am sure I will find males among the bunch, and I can always bring those outside, and then decide if I want to keep any.
My Silvermac, or AKA Loonas Silvermac will be chosen to be my next #5gallon contender, and also will be giving the 200% organic treatment. Just waiting for a female. The reason why, is because this is a Haze. Haze's do not like heavy doses of fertilizer. Plus I love a little friendly challenge. Of course after I talk a little shit, something bad will probably happen. Oh well, shit happens, and if it does, I need to document that as well. It just takes the life out of me, and it is very un motivating. Either way, this round should be a very entertaining one! Hopefully with the start of the grow season we will see more entry's into the #5gallonchallenge. All it takes is a 5 gallon container, and a will to grow.

OMG this brings back memories!
OMG this brings back memories!
BTW this is my old post, and old grow. I really did have some fun times :)
I thought that light looked familiar. I rarely check the weedcash community feed anymore, just did and saw this.. Really wild we have people plagiarizing other peoples weed content on a mostly dead community feed.
Regardless, it's nice taking a look back on memory lane seeing your grows bro, crazy it's on a plagiarized post but still.. credit to the source!