Looks like it.
Im convinced it will scare investors away. Who in their right mind would put thousands of $$€€ on Hivepower, and then receive downvotes for making money on ur investment or whatever.
Imo downvotes should be like dislikes in stead of taking people rewards. I think the entire humanity has seen enough of that.
It will not only scare investors away, it also scares bloggers away who move to this platform. And quite some big names tried & left already.
Downvotes in theory are a great mechanism of self-regulation. But people bring their greed from the outside world to this platform and abuse it. All in the name of good ;)
Hive is a lost case, IMHO. Maybe social-media in generalm is a stupid idea ;)
If you only need $$ to be in power, there is not enough self-constraint in some. And one of those psychos is enough to ruin the platform.
but you can help @eyesthewriter by upvoting all his posts and comments. That's what I do.
they seem to downvote everyone and then they stop after u push through ut and prove yourself valuable to hive
heres how to prove hive downvoter services like hivewatchers are wrong- get a bunch of upvotes and wear hive t shirt snd show yourself off as the number 1 hive supporter in your local city and challenge hive to explain itself and why anyone in greater crypto world would be downvoting someone in their blockchain who woukd be paid in any other chain to promote hive as much as u do
whats worse is the hive watch style groups are funded by hivedao so they have a free blank cheque to downvote whoever they want WHICH would be 100% good if they truly represented the will of the people and maybe they do but i still feel like it could be more ethical and fair at least from my perspective
but i View a perspective showing me and many others like me a group who seems to jave free reign over policing the truth about content. why do we think they have that power? well in the minds of Many people who left steem/hive or tens of thousands who would otherwide have joined, we believe its because one small group of users convinced stakeholders to vote to give them hivepower to downvote spam and scams but never actually did the innovation to make a new fair eay to devide WHO gets to downvote
i mean in reality, you dont NEED hivewatchers if the Voters did a good eniugh job soending their own money pikicing spam.. like- why dont we trust the voters? well i guess they cant afford it. but its like ok so hives whole stake based voting system is just pointless if we have to have this group of empowered hive funded downvoters going sround policing the rewards? i thought the rewards should go to whoevwr gets the votes? when you go around cherry picking what would have been a natural system you ruin the whole thing for the ideals of a tiny group who thinks they can make some objective decisions about right or wrong- i want comments for discussions and a way to overrule the vote from an account funded from hivedao if enough hive judges overrule or veto etc
and yeah we need hive judges or a jury system for downvote disagreements where we can either use hivedao funds to also canel out a downvote but thats silly if hivedao funded the vote and they should have some power over these hive watch accounts as im sure the voters already do but in future the best cintent moderation system i believe woukd be one where we have a mini dao inside each controversial post to decide each posts rewards and what should happen
like instead of downvoting rewards we should give autjors choices like donating their rewards to charity or bsck to hivedao and in return still get promotional space on hive which is healthy to have opposing viewpoints on same website and something very rare and hard to acomplish but imagine how exciting hives front page can be if we had people on left and right both creating a debate within headli es that carries into comments
comments are idea to debate a downvote and each downvite should come with automated comment stating reason a d a button to appeal so thomgs like mass downvoting someones entire blog as onviousky a form of retribution downvotes can be tagged as unfair and maybe use hivedao to actually Uovote hsers since we arenusing hivedao to downvote them... thats just as important actually - and we shoukd have hivedao also pay insurance and even pay back uninsured but long time or new hive users who loose money to a scam or forget keys, if it can be verified we should help grouos of small users to recover funds via hivedao
all of this and content moderation with hivedao and comments is so important to making hive seem more fair
anyway about arbitration of truth and spam:
what if we need funds from promotions from companies that u may feel is spam but is otherwise advertising? one mans ad is another mans spam
hive lacks any ads and i normaly would apllaud but i feel like no one cares theres no ads on hive- we need to combine advertising and content moderation systems on hive- and innovate some system with ai to also determine what is spam , scams and use humans to check these things during Any Apeals, they should be at least as smart as a cheap human network of moderators by now
the second hive ever gets popular enough for ads all over every oage we will see them haha i mean its like ads that ruin a blog or newspaper site seem to be a REQUIREMENT to get on google news even if they arent even google adsense ads, if they were id u derstand but its like google just likes to onky show websites that make you oay some newspaper tk read full article or have websites saturated with ads
now if we have ads built into hive like @dclick crafted the oath to follow on steemit with a little ad buying and blog space selling dapp- like adsense, then what happens when people spend thousands on ads inside hive only to be downvoted? youll end uo needing ads that voters cant eveb have a say in and even instagram twitter snd reddut let people vote and even downvote ads
but hive is ing behind because well 1. fear. i risk being downvoted by people at hivewatchers who may just decide my comment altho NOT spam or hatespeech, should be downvoted of all potential rewards as a weapon and its nor aboit content moderation. its about revenge and cyber war. i know this because ive done it myself and youre all no different than me, we all have the same feelings as if were playing a video game and were launchi g an attack on someone we feel has attacked us first- thats all it really is
if it was abiut content moderation we would have a reason foe downvoting written down every SINGLE time we downvote someone for rewards and honestly i dont want to hear your tired old response to this, theres tiers of understanding here, i already know blurt exists, i already know i can make my own hive engine token with no downvotes or steem fork etc and that this whole system is just a result of a lack of any content moderation system being innovated and discussed for the last 6 years- no one has done much of anything besides a few little futile upgrades to downvoting with pools hivedao hivewatchers and some stuff from helios, thats all great but those arent to be given as examples of How Hive has innovated moderation
ads and moderation is sometjing hive hasnt done any uogrades to. hive hasnt innovated much of anything from steemit, and changing a few settings of the blockchain like a scotbot token adding a dao or changing curation percebtage is not an innovation.. hive is less of an innovation of steem and more of just a reconfiguration which is good but we deserve to be in a better position by now even if its all volunteers in reality-
we should first of all start making sure all those making the most money on hive are the developers who dont ask for enoigh money- many are too humble and we should find ways to use hivedao to give out bonuses - no elections no corrupt nonsense- lets find someone smart and trustworthy an executive who knows what they are doing and can go around paying all the right people
thats what we need with hivewatchers and hivedao and using hive funds to pay for a pwrson to go around paying developers who arent paid enoigh and arent asking to be paid- really take 20% at lwast of hivedao funds for developers and make sure a lot of new people are paid bonuses to just work on small hive coding contributions or dapps or games or any little test project, really have a bonus program where u do NOT apply but we find YOU and we need someone to go around paying the right people and give a reason
and when we have downvotes on hive funded by hivedao we should be given a damn comment with a reason for the fucking downvote for fucks sake
communication would be a big step for this whole downvote drama thats been going on for years now no matter what artogant delusion You All may have about how "there is no downvote drama" uh no there definitely is
in an alternate universe , with a more ideal steemit initial dev group and userbase, better devisions were made and steem/hive is worth a lot more like ethereum levels more.. like 100 to 1000 dollar steem/hive
and i kinda blame people who deviate us from those choices that land us in that alternate more succesful paralel dimension where steem is 1000 bucks and hive never even had ro be created because we took ovwr or forked steem and corrected it earlier and we found the right developers to bring in and paid them
if we took just half the money that went ro all the traders and people who made maybe "too much" off shitty blog content, well that money could have gone into something Way more helpful akd useful and profitable for hive haha
i know thats a fantasy about what COULD have happened with steem/hive BUT i REALLY do think we were actually more closer to that 100 dollar steem/hive more than we thought, and that its just bad luck or a Fluke that steem/hive isnt 100 bucks
i feel like hive SHOULD be 100 bucks and that when hive started after steem fork trx event, hive should have paid for tv ads billboards and invested in a mobie app Like Ecency that created accounts and backed them up like coinbase or something, something that could scale, to tens of millions in a year , a way to partner with existing app with 50M users and auto create hive wallet for every single one - like wombat maybe in a new hive hardfork improvement protocal for some system of making lite wallets owned by 1 wallet and lowering rc cost to near nothing untill someone wants to own that wallet and generate new working owner and active and posting keys- otherwise its more like just a new account withiut the ownership and child uses rcs from the parent creator account- like eos wombat wallet where wombat can create eos telos or wax accounts but they own them untill you pay to create the keys but they do work as real accounts so i know this exists and maybe hive can maybe do that since its all similar to eos architecture altho hive is a simpler version of eosio/antelope and in SOME ways maybe more like bitcoin while eos is more like eth
anyway the point is we should have had hive leaders invest way more into marketing as soon as hive came out altho its not too kate
but a lot of this stuff they spend all our time and money in like keychain may need to be thrown out and we get a bigger more greymass style team like @greymass and @vessel to remake a hive wallet like anchor but for hive like if @jesta camd back and gave us vessel mobile - so ya just bring back netuosos hive vessel but make it mobile and have it include all of keychains features etc
i mean we need a metamask competitor and we would need to start iver with something big if we can just pump money into ecency and keychain and greymass and make a super crazY easy to join and log back into hive mobile app
or we make an existing social app with millions of users get on hive
and thats what we should hqve done with steem
and theres many examples of different things that could have happened to make steem and or hive more popular - 100 to 1000 dollars, 10 to 50 million users by now, sometjing to actually ruval ethereum and thus rival ripple and other coins acting like they will be the new world currency, even rivaling btc as steem once did in 2016 summer when it fiest came iut and the top coins were barely worth millions btc was barely in the billions and i believe the top 3 coins were btc ripple then steem so... i KNOW hive can get BACK there one day.. steem screwrd up a big oportunity to stay in the top 3 crypto currencies even if they did get back in the front oage in 2018 with 1.8B marketcao and 8 dollar steem
so i know hive can always go back to at LEAST 8 dollars which would be nice but FIRST we need the marketing and users
without more users the moderation system never makes sense and never really gets built at all as theres no need
when we have mkre users and mkre attention we will all realizd we shoukd be given REAsONS for downvotes in COMMENTS which can then create amazing discussions about each alleged infraction snd debates about how to use downvotes ethically on hive
but hive lacks this built in comment debate system when SO MANY OTHER BOTS even have automated comments you can reply to - youd Think hivewatchers or rather ALL of hive would have this built in system of moderation
and im angry at the clouds for this lack of what could have been