Update, the surprises of the crop - Actualizacion, las sorpresas del cultivo [ENG-ESP]

in WeedCash Networklast year (edited)


Friends, good afternoon from here. I bring you my update (although I'm a little late, many things are going on inside the closet where I used to keep clothes...). It's just that, although I'm happy and they are growing nicely, I'm starting to see that some of them are covered, others have suffered some cold since this is not airtight or anything. It makes me a little nervous to do things wrong, but I still allow myself to do it, because there are still too many of them, even without knowing what will come out of them...

Amigos, buenas tardes desde aquí. Les traigo mi actualización (aunque voy algo atrasada, muchas cosas están pasado puertas adentro del armario donde solía guardar ropa...) Es que, aunque yo esté feliz y que estén creciendo bonitas, empiezo a ver que algunas se tapan, otras han sufrido algo de frío ya que esto no es hermético ni nada. Me da un poco de nervios hacer las cosas mal, igualmente me lo permito, pues siguen siendo demasiadas, aún sin saber qué resultará de ellas...



I at least set myself the task of arranging the space a little bit, we were doing some work in the house and I took over a piece of wood so that everything would be more orderly around here.

Me propuse al menos el trabajo de acomodar un poco el espacio, estuvimos haciendo algunos trabajos en la casa y me apropié de un madera para que estuviera todo más ordenado por aquí.


Here we even see the first deficiencies, of light or water, but I don't like those yellow leaves at all (who does ?) and a tiny one has scorched leaves too. Strange things are happening in here and this tells me how much I can still learn about the subject. I admit I know something, but not enough yet.

Aquí hasta vemos las primeras deficiencias, de luz o de agua, pero esas hojas amarillas no me gustan nada (a quiñen si ?) y una pequeñita tiene las hojas chamuscadas también. Están pasando cosas raras aquí dentro y esto me indica lo mucho que puedo aprender sobre el tema aún. Reconozco que sé algo, pero no lo suficiente aún.



These two little ones are not noticeable, but they are being a chaos in their roots, I gave them the corresponding transplant and they are already very well adapted.

Estas dos peques no se notan, pero están siendo un caos en sus raíces, les di el correspondiente trasplante y ya están muy bien adaptadas

Here to show you that in the same size pot this is happening... the bestiality with which some received more light or whatever, but phew, it is being chaos. I still think some soul may adopt some, but my friends are dependent and if they were to take them, they would ask me to assist them, that's not grower soul. You have to learn if you are interested in a discipline, no?

Aquí para mostrarles que en el mismo tamaño de maceta está pasando esto... la bestialidad con la que algunas recibieron más luz o como sea, pero uf, está siendo un caos. Aún pienso que algún alma puede adoptar alguna, pero mis amigos son dependientes y si se las llevasen, me pedirían que les asista, eso no es alma de cultivador. Hay que aprender si te interesa una disciplina, no?


Seeing them like this I can't believe they can fit in such a small place, I am really sorry for the conditions, but I know that as soon as possible some of them will start sleeping outside.

Viéndolas así no puedo creer que quepan en un sitio tan pequeño, realmente me apenan las condiciones, pero sé que en cuanto sea posible algunas empezarán a dormir afuera.


Another one that received a great transplant and now its roots are comfortable in more than triple the amount of soil, it seems incredible that they have only 1 month since I saw a sprout until today. It is surprising to me, I expected it to be less stunted at the beginning, now I know what awaits me with the arrival of spring!

Otra más que recibió un gran trasplante y ahora sus raíces están cómodas en mas del triple de tierra, es que parece mentira que tengan solo 1 mes desde que vi un brote hasta hoy. Es para mi sorprendente, esperaba que fuese menos atolondrado al comienzo, ahora sé lo que me espera con la llegada de la primavera!

barra little sorceress gif.gif
Feliz viernes y gracias por leerme, Kiki ✨

Thanks for reading me, Kiki✨

I own the rights to all the photos I used in this post
Soy la propietaria de todas las fotos que he usado hoy
Pictures taken with a Samsung A42 & Nikon D3200📷

Traducido con DeepLearning
Let's talk on Discord: littlesorceress #8877
Imágenes editadas con Canva

Canal de Discord Hive Argentina


keep growing

yes! with all the power of the mini seed and the spring to come ! Thanks for stopping by!


@loonatic passed you the virtual joint!
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Very cool, so many babies! !lolz

Posted using WeedCash Network

Women only call me ugly until they find out how much money I make.
Then they call me ugly and poor.

Credit: lofone
@littlesorceress, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of captain.weed


Healthy looking plants, as long as it doesn't get below freezing the plants should be ok with it cooler at night :)

Looks like a very happy garden!

Posted using WeedCash Network

thank you, let's hope he continues to look happy ! haha and me too !

How much memory does a comedian's computer have?
Lots of gigglebytes!

Credit: reddit
@littlesorceress, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of holovision.hypno
