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RE: Why I Think Most Potheads Think Delta 8 Sucks.

Ironically, vaping is what helped me quit nicotine.

Same here, I hated the smell of cigarettes and vaping was the absolute easiest way to slowly drop my nicotine consumption until I felt I no longer needed it. I quit for a few years but have since gone back to pipe tobacco/cigars occasionally and/or dip now. I have grown my own tobacco this past year and it's surprisingly not too difficult, but curing has been a pain in the ass to get right. Has to stay moist and warm but not too moist or too warm or else it gets moldy fast and requires attention almost everyday. Most of the tobacco I grew is now relegated for use as insecticide for the garden lol.


Gracias por estar siempre pendiente de mi publicaciones ,me duele por que gasto mas de lo que percibo me siento que todos los años de estudio en varias academia de bellas artes no reconocieran mi profesión lamento que por lo que veo no comprare mis lentes,materiales didácticos para seguir trabajando dios es grande y el me va ayudar con ustedes que aman las artes.Ramaco