What's up fellow Weed Nerds, and Happy New Years! Well I had a nice break over the Holidays. At work, and a digital break as well. Just curating a little here and there, but for the most part I have been away. It is very important to give yourself some time, to reflect, and to not get so burned out. I am about to have a treasure of content, since the tent is filling up, and fast. I have had some downs with this grow, due to a PH issue. But things are starting to look a whole let better after a transplant.
As you can see I have some very unhappy plants. Also as you can see the ones that are yellow, those are freshly planted clones. I am not so sure what is causing this, but I suspect it is a PH issue as well. I recently have transplanted everything you see here, minus the two Autos, in a new soil mix. My plan is to give them nothing but water the next couple weeks, and then go from there.
My 4x4 tent
- 3 different phenos of F1 Banana Punch x Mac and Cheese
- Mac and Cheese F2
- White Grape F2 Auto Flower(3 seedlings, and 2 finishing flower)
- Silver Haze
- Gusher Mints

Yesterday I took a trip up to Santa Cruz, and just had to pick up these Gusher Mintz. When Purple City drops cuts, they go quick. Luckily I did go when I did, there was only 10 left!

My plan is to grow one out for Sinsimilla, then pollinate the other one with my Banana Punch x Mac and Cheese male.

If things go to plan, I am going to be making some flavors!
Next up I have my new 5 Gallon Challenge contender. I figured that I should start off fresh with it, and also do it in a actual bucket, that way there is no confusion. I also figured it will be cool to do the Silver Haze, which was a gift from @loonatic.
As you can see the plant looks so shitty at the moment. But with a little bit of corrections, and a whole lot of patience, I know they will rebound. The one in the back of it, is one that was in a smaller pot, and got the worse of the PH problem. I suspect it is from the water I was using, which is well water at my work. Or it could be the Mono Silica I was using. All I know is I fell like a complete noob. Yeah I really am, but for most of you following me for a long time, you know that I always ran into issues in flower, never in VEG, and the Silica, and the water was the only new equations to the mix this round.
While all the previous ones VEG, my White Grape F2 is finishing up. I recently hit with some Molasses, and will give pure water for another week, then check the Trichomes. My whole upstairs is smelling like this flower! Which reminds me of Grape Now and Laters, with a back drop of skunk, I am excited to smoke on my very first Auto.

Well that brings you all up to date on my progress, or lack there of. Quite honestly I have been felling down lately do to the poor quality of my plants. One day I was on top of the world, then Mother Nature says, "NOPE". But I just need to take a few steps back, and go to the basics. KIS. Keep it simple. That is something I need to abide to. Well until next time, have a great week!

Well you learn with each mistake and problem you overcome... keep up the good work!
Nice to see this post supported... I hope those upvoters also know that this stuff CURES cancer! ;))
Grow in peace.
Dude guess what?? I just found out the problem and it’s low humidity. Low humidity in veg closes stigmata and causes calcium deficiency. Im in slapping myself, because all this time I was so happy with low humidity, since I know no mold will grow.
For the clones, you mean? I think new clones and young seedlings like a bit of extra moisture, and there's no worry about mold at that stage except for rotting off of the shoots (if you don't allow soil to dry out slightly between watering). I think some strains like to be damper as babies than others do! More research and experimentation needed!
Great! I can tell your "family" means so much to you! Much love! :)
Sup bro? fancy meeting you here.
Hope you are well. Happy fresh calendar and all that stuff :)
Hey bro, I am ok.
It is nice to see you.
I've had some struggles with the drinking again recently but luckily making a recovery and hanging in there.
I hope you are doing well, and happy new year you to as well my friend.
That White Grape is stunngingly beautiful btw, great work my man.
Right on, glad you're okay. If you like chatting by email, or ever need to connect with a somewhat-similar mind, it's drutter at hotmail. I don't really use discord or skype or anything else at the moment, but email still works.
I agree on the white grape! It's Jon's auto flower. I'm interested to see his final report on it soon :)
That White Grape is looking good
I should be smoking on some in at least 3 weeks:)
Nice update, This is looking good minus the few issues. The new cut looks killer I think your soil may be hot for them? maybe that's why they are yellowing. Nice stacked tent tho
Going to be putting the SGROG up soon
Ah nice, That's one grow I have still to try, Maybe I should try a 2*2 grow
Do you know where I can buy seeds?
Check out this
Okay I'll try
Let me know how it goes
This also happens to me when I make shoots, the plant needs a lot of energy to grow the roots, so I don't use any chemistry, but to support the growth of the roots, I recommend a birch tree treatment, the roots grow about 3 times faster and replace the yellow leaves with new ones. If you want to write @lukee66ff , he is the absolute leader in this field . 😉
Thank you :)
Wow! ): Things that happen! Water is undoubtedly a very important factor in addition to the climate of the plant, both energetic and physical. Anyway everything is learning and thank God not everything is going wrong ;) that WGF2 looks beautiful 🥰 I hope everything flows wonderfully.
Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I have been implementing changes to my regiment, and I am sure I will get it under control. Someday lol