Already told you about tobacco juice and that diatomaceous earth isn't going to help however it's not going to hurt.
1 in layer of sand over the top of these plants will definitely cause them all sorts of issues and really limit their ability to infest..
However it's spring and this always happens so you need to remember a grower is judged by his abilities to overcome. So good luck getting over these issues and study up on your enemy and what they don't like.
Thank you for the kind words and advice @ganjafarmer, I appreciate it.
I'm growing on a tight budget, so clever remedies like this are worth their weight in gold.
I think the sand idea is really clever and sound as well.
I'll probably run an experiment with a smaller plant first regarding the tobacco juice, it's a matter of not wanting that horrid smell that comes from cigs in water in the house. I could deal with the smell over losing the plants however.
Thanks always for your wisdom and great advice with growing cannabis!
Very welcome and I hope this helps.
Ironically I never smelled the tobacco juice after drenching the soil. Another reason why you use just the filters. No chunky chunks or bits of tobacco.