So easy with the Levo

I have been wanting to make some canna-butter with the quad grape strain for a while now. It seems like it is a good day time strain and one that would be perfect to make some edibles for midday treats.

The Levo is an all in one infusion machine that can infuse butters, oils, lotions and so much more. Before when I would infuse my cannabis into butters or oils, I would have to use the oven and a crock pot, but this is so easy to use. The only draw back I have found with it is that the pod is pretty small and I think the most herb you could use it a quarter ounce and the most butter you can use is four sticks.

Today I just used a little over 4 grams of the quad grape. I don't really know how much it will affect me, so I am going to be starting small. The quad grape has been curing for almost 2 months now, so it is ready. You can see when I was trimming, I purposefully left one a lot of the smaller leaves that had trichomes on them because I was planning on using it for edibles.

So to start, I ground up the cannabis so that it would fit into the Levo pod and so that it had more air in it to allow for better decarboxylation.

The Levo pod was a little over halfway filled up when I was done grinding. After I was done, I had to give my grinder a deep cleaning with some isopropyl alcohol because it was pretty sticky from grinding up that much cannabis all at once.

Traditionally, you would have to put the ground up cannabis on a piece of parchment paper and then put it in the oven to decarb. Decarbing is a necessary step that activates the cannabinoids and THC. If you don't do the decarb step, your cannabis will have no effects.
With the Levo, you just pop the pod in and then select the "activate" cycle. The default activate setting is perfect for cannabis. It is 240 degrees F for 30 minutes.

While the cannabis was activating, I ran to the store to get some better quality butter. I really like the flavor of this Kerrygold butter.

If you are going to use four sticks of butter in the Levo, you will need to melt it down first because it will fill up the whole container and if it isn't melted, there is no way that it will fit.

Once the activate cycle is done, you can add the butter directly into it. Before, I would have to dump the ground up cannabis into a crockpot and then let it all simmer together for a few hours and then strain it through some cheese cloth. This is so much easier.

After you dump the butter into the container, all you need to do is select the infuse setting and just walk away. I infused my butter for 2 hours at 160 degrees. Then when it let me know it was done, all you do is push a button and the cannabis infused butter comes out of the machine into your container.

So now it is time to get the Rice Krispy treats started. The first thing I did was to dump about 10 ounces of marshmallows into a large pot and heat it up on low. I added 4 tablespoons of my canna-butter into it as well and stirred it all together as it melted.

While it was warming up, I poured the remainder of the canna-butter into some butter molds that I have. Then I put them in the refrigerator to cool. I like this butter mold because it has markings on the sticks to help you dose the sticks.

Now when you are heating up marshmallows, you need to be sure to keep the mixture moving and don't let it get too hot because it can burn pretty easily.

Then I slowly added six cups of Rice Krispies while I stirred it so that it all mixed up nice and even.

Then I added it to a greased baking pan. You want to make sure to grease the bottoms and sides so that your Rice Krispy Treats don't stick to the sides. I have learned from experience that this is a crucial step.

Then I mashed it down and spread it out as even as I could and then set it in the fridge to chill.

Once it was nice and cold, I took it out and cut myself a piece and it was amazing tasting. I could taste a hint of cannabis in the butter and it really gives it a cool flavor.
I had the square at the beginning of this post and I am beginning to feel the effects of it. I will give it another 20 minutes or so and decide if I want to cut another piece or not.
One thing with edibles versus flower is that it tends to hit a bit different and it is extremely easy to overdo it with edibles. So make sure that you take it slow and enjoy yourself. Now it is time to hang out with the family and figure out what we are going to eat for dinner.
I am looking forward to using my Levo 2 a bit more in the future and to make some more stuff using my cannabis. So if you enjoyed this, be sure to give me a follow so that you don't miss the next cooking with cannabis adventure.
It seems like a good recipe, bon appetite ...
They were delicious.
Well done. Nice recipe. Is the machine worth the money?
I think it was. $299 for something that I will just be using to make weed stuff seems like it is a lot, but it is worth it to me because I am always trying to figure out different ways to use cannabis and I hate smoking it.
whatt !! how comes this exist lol. awesome !!!
it looked good, cool recipe. How many "trips" can you get with these 4g ? the effect were what you expected ? never been into edibles.. all the ones i tried didn't worked at all.. but were tasty at least.
I think I dosed the butter with the rice krispy treats perfectly. I had like three squares and I felt great. Not too much but just perfect. Pain was gone and slept like a baby.
That machine does look very nice. I wonder if there's a bigger industrial version and what that costs. What temp did you infuse at? Then again double boiling is really easy Lol I get really confused about the whole decarb thing because every time I make oil with non-decarbed weed it gets me really high 😂
Your rice krispy treats look really nice. I agree with you the taste of cannabis is nice. I never understand when people say it's a gross flavor!
People that don't like the taste of it are weird. I am sure there are larger machines like this but this is a perfect size for personal use. I infused the butter at 160 degrees F for 2 hours.
You should try coconut oil too. Nothing beats a coconut oil brownie.
Mouth watering treat! That Kerrygold butter looks outrageously delicious.
This butter is so much better than walmart brand that I normally get.
Grass-fed goodness. It must do wonders activating the THC :)
I never made food with the buds, at the moment I usually drink a traditional Argentine tea "Mate", with the buds and it gives it a very appreciable flavor.
Yeah that is to cool man! So what you do to put more herb is get a French press screen. I picked up 2 for 7$ on Amazon.
I think it is the perfect amount because I don't use it all fast enough. It is super easy with this though.
Nice! That is what matters. I hope i can get mine to work the way i want, because I want to do some different stuff like Olive oil.
this is interesting. ahha
Succulent, Wonderful preparation. Looks so delicious. Yummy! Yum! Yum!
It looks tasty, I really liked.
Great article! I never would of thought of doing it this way!