Sorry my daily post is so late this evening but I had some stuff to do today and just got the time to post a quick update on a few Cannabis blockchain projects. Like every days post this one also contains a 1 time claim URL with free NFTs for WAX wallet users you can sign up for a WAX wallet here
I'm just going to go over a few different cannabis blockchain projects that I'm either involved in or keep tabs on. Hash Kings, Juicy fields, As well as a overview on the two marijuana NFT lines I'm currently producing.
Sorry if this post is a bit lacking but I'm limited in the amount of time I can spend on todays post.
Hash Kings
For those like myself that participated in the Hash Kings presale there are a few claims waiting for you on the site when you log in including an avatar
BUDS = 1
So if you participated in their presale be sure and log in and claim yours
Juicy Fields
Juicy feilds the company that allows you to invest in growing cannabis plants Via a contract that can be purchased using crypto such a Litecoin, Bitcash, ETH, & BTC. They call there investors Egrowers, and this year covid 19 restrictions permitting they will be offering public tours of their cannabis cultivation facilities.
So far this was not allowed to the best of my knowledge outside meeting at their company in berlin.
However later this year Egrowers will be able to tour their facilities in Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Columbia, Macedonia, and Mexico. At first this company seemed fishy but they are legitimate, invest in growing pot plants as an Egrower keep tack of your greenhouse portfolio and soon even visit the plants.
so far I have created 34 types Weed stickers cheap cannabis themed NFTs on wax wallet available here for 0.3 WAXP
The newest include
Cronic cards
18 Cronic cards in series one produced so far the newest include
on sale here
Smoking the same Sky lotus as seen in the cronic card, and taking a golden kratom tea tincture.
Free 1 time claim NFT URL
This is a one time claim URL that will remain active until claimed, The URL will contain 5 NFTs including cannabis themed NFTs and a Monsters of rap card, This is on a first come first serve basis there can only be one winner Must be signed up to wax wallet to claim.
Good luck readers, Whomever claims it please leave a comment so others know it helps.
I claimed the NFT. Thanks!!
Damn I always miss those claims! Lol
But I actually figured out how to view the cards you first gave me, just had to uncheck the show whitelisted nfts only. Go figure
Good to hear, yeah the claims go quick
Seen that you produced a few NFTs yourself