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RE: A call for engagement..

Yeap. Lots of people post and want people to come to them. One thing we can do is notice the people who post a shit ton, but never comment, and just stop voting on their shit. Haha

I honestly think this is a number game. We need new people. And people who care about cannabis, and social interaction. Vs the ROI guys.

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There's nothing wrong with wanting ROI.. I even tell newbies to start by commenting only.. people that give a shit will eventually come to your page and upvote your shit if not upvote your comments..

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No not all, but people should come in and have ROI as a bonus to a censorship free network. Rather then just come in and hope to make money and then leave when they dont.

I try to regulate my upvotes accordingly if I believe certain posts aren't that valuable, but I tend to upvote more than not upvote. News related posts about cannabis tend to always get 100% from me, because I believe news is truly important for the community.

I'm an active trader on hive-engine, but I'm not going to dump my coins, investing in weed is always a good investment. ;)

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