Interaction! It is not rocket science folks. How can we solve this? Simple, take the time to go out of your way to comment on a post or two. If we are to get new people, and you really care about this place, interaction is how you show it! As far as price goes, who gives a shit. With time, and growth, we will see it rise. But don't expect it rise when this place is a ghost town.Merry Xmas my fellow Weed Nerds! What a crazy year it has been. As we close in on the New Year, we can reflect on things in the past, and things in the future. What will change? Well for me, I will continue to push the Block Chain cannabis community, no matter what anybody says, I still say this place rocks, and is the future. We don't have the numbers like Instagram, but that is only because this place attracts people who think outside the box, and ones who do not follow trends, and hype. Sure it is not perfect, and we have our work cut out for us, but it is worth it. One thing that is crucial, something that has been said over and over again. @davedickeyyall said it last week,
What other way's can we interact?
I will be stepping up efforts host weekly, or bi-weekly contests related to the herb. Some will be hard, some will be easy. Our first one is still open, which can be found here. This one is fairly challenging, so it is understandable not seeing a lot of entries. Next one will be a little easier. There is still time to enter. So if you have some canna butter, or oil, let's see what you got!

Incentives for interaction
Dave Dickey, and I was talking about a possible delegation for whoever is most active during the week. How will we judge this will be tricky. I have topped up on the ENGAGE tokens, and will be dispersing those. But really as a community, we should all be doing this anyway, with zero incentive, other then to boost each other up.
Make it interesting, they will come
Our community is now being recognized by the curation group, @ocd. A way to say thanks, I encourage you to vote their commnuty witness, @ocd-witness. Now your chances are even higher to get a nice up vote from a whale account when doing quality posts. Getting paid for doing what you love is a huge bonus to social media on the block chain. You won't get rich, but maybe you can accumulate a rainy day fund. Also doing something of high quality attracts more people. More people, more interaction. My advice is to make it interesting, and always have a cool pic as your first pic to get more clicks.

Get the word out
Our presence outside of here needs to be stepped up. If you have a Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, get the word out! Yeah those places suck, but how are we to recruit? Sitting here and waiting is not going to get us anywhere. Follow us on Twiiter to help boost our efforts with likes. Or follow us on Instagram, and RedditYoutube. We need more people to talk about Weed. Whenever you talk about Weed outside of here, drop a link in the Canna Discord and I will tip you.. @skylinebuds is our biggest presence on

With more people this place will be rocking! The more this place is busy, the more we get investors to take notice. Our strongest thing is the community. With a place anybody can make their home, without the fear of being shadow banned, or having your account deleted. Oh, and with a wallet where we can transfer value to each other. We have not even got close to what this place can be. But we need to be consistent. Whether that be curation everyday, or commenting everyday, we all need to do our part. No matte what happens, we will always be here, even if there is only a few of you left, ;)

merry christmas
tokens.Back at you!
!ENGAGE 4.20
60K.. nice ✌
Not enough for top spot, but I’ll catch up to you soon, ;)
Am I top spot?
Your right behind the issuer of the token, then it’s my jonyoudyer account.
I should stake 600 and take the lead..
Couldn't agree more. Happy Christmas. Xx
Merry Xmas!
Nice one!!
Yeah it really is! We have a team that is on top of development, we can make accounts in a few min, plus the bonus of many tokens we can make! I have Smoke a try, but it really is a shame what the creators or it become.