Introspection: Kali Mist x Timanfaya Haze #2 (English/Spanish)


Music and cannabis when unified can be a master formula to find true peace of mind and happiness, they are unique moments that I like to capture just as I captured the macro of cannabis flowers, I think they are fundamental hours, days and minutes, the most important thing is to enjoy and take advantage of this energy, transcend to show that it leaves a real footprint, plus it is extremely therapeutic.



I write for pleasure, because I like it and I find it a very tangible way to communicate, I think there are growers who have enjoyed my writings, I have no idea at what level but the comments are important especially when they emanate a super positive vibe.



Hindsight is always there especially for those of us who like to do introspection, it is a complete mental exercise, we can add aromatherapy and natural medicine through plants, just as cannabis cures.



The Kali Mist x Timanfaya Haze #2 is already advanced and I have already added her first specific fertilizer for flowering and now it's time for another organic tea but based on fruits and honey, and then later she will get her last fertilizer.


This has been a year of a lot of work with the crop, I missed it but the results are being the best, in fact I exceeded my expectations in that sense and when the situation is better than I think it is because I am doing something right.

Photos by agcoeficiente10

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Introspección: Kali Mist x Timanfaya Haze #2

La música y el cannabis cuando se unifican puede resultar una fórmula maestra para encontrar la verdadera paz mental y felicidad, son momentos únicos que me gusta capturar al igual que capturó el macro de las flores de cannabis, pienso son horas, días y minutos fundamentales, lo más importante es disfrutar y sacarle provecho a esta energía, trascender para evidenciar que se deja una auténtica huella, además que es extremadamente terapéutico.

Escribo por placer, porque me gusta y me parece una forma sumamente tangible de comunicarse, pienso que hay cultivadores que han disfrutado mucho de mis escritos, ni idea de a qué nivel pero los comentarios son importantes en especial cuando emanan una vibra super positiva.

La retrospectiva siempre está sobre todo para los que nos gusta hacer introspección, es un ejercicio mental completo, podemos agregar aromaterapia y medicina natural a través de las plantas, así como cura el cannabis.

La Kali Mist x Timanfaya Haze #2 ya está avanzada ya le agregue su primer abono específico para floración y ahora le toca otro té orgánico pero a base de frutas y miel, para luego más adelante colocarse su último abono.

Este ha sido un año de mucho trabajo con el cultivo, lo extrañaba pero los resultados están siendo los mejores, de hecho superé mis expectativas en ese sentido y cuando la situación es mejor de lo que pienso es porque algo estoy haciendo bien.

Fotos por agcoeficiente10

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The overall health of your plants is extremely good.

I'm taken back with how beautiful and perfect all of the foliage is.

You captured some breathtaking photographs in the sun.

I agree about listening to music while spending time with the plants. I think there is an energetic vibrational effect that the plants certainly enjoy too and it's a symbiotic exchange of energy flow.

Great job on this update!

Thanks @futuremind yes those organic mixes I am using to grow are good, and I find that doing it from a terrace in the city is more than rewarding.

When the sun comes in the morning I know that all the plants are going to be happy, especially the ones that are well fed.

Yes in my case I started a musical project capturing some sounds under the effect of the Kali Mist #1 and many times the concentration that I can develop under the effect is powerful and we can transmit that tuning when a new track is released, and people notice it especially those who consume the type of music we do independently, if indeed that flow of energy is evident perhaps we can say that showing some psychedelia.

This is current? How does photo period cannabis do so close to the equater? I remember hearing once that since the days are long, they have a hard time flowering? Or vice versus? It was a long time ago that I heard this, and may be thinking entirely wrong.

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Yes @canna-curate actual, the photo period here is 12/12 on the contrary here the plants when placed on the terrace begin to bloom so I have to give them additional hours of light with LED bulbs but otherwise they are on the terrace, I think you were thinking completely wrong haha.

With this publication I have obtained my highest vote since I came to this community, and that is simple but I think it has some depth, I would like to know what were the details that have made this publication the most successful so far since I started here?

Anyway I appreciate the support I am receiving and I think this could continue to increase, because a few days ago remember that I asked you about this issue of the weight of the votes and days later I receive this good vote, it is as if I had heard the whole community and what better way to earn that than with a high quality publication.

we appreacite you too. We love your content, and see you up in the comments. Obvously we know life gets busy, but no matter how busy it gets there is a few minutes a day or so to show some love to your fellow Hivers:)

Posted using WeedCash Network

se ve bastante bien la planta, compraste la semilla? en ese balcon podrias tener otras mas para seguir con el cultivo :D

Hola no las semillas no las compre fueron un patrocinio de amigos que tengo fuera del pais, ni que lo digas tenia 9 plantas en el balcon y ya tenia cierta presion, recuerda que no en todos los paises el cultivo de cannabis es legal, donde vivo es ilegal, desafortunadamente muchas me salieron machos y solo 3 plantas resultaron hembras que son con las que me quede y ya una la coseche hace un buen rato la que me ha dado mejor produccion, lo puedes ver en mi perfil.

en venezuela me han dicho que el problema son los vecinos que creen que hacen un favor a la sociedad reportando a quienes cultivan, aqui ya esta normalizado consumir y ya no se ve gente fumando a quedar perdida; en mi caso hasta le agrego al mate que es mas relajante :D

Why did the melon have to get married in a church?
Because it cantelope.

Credit: reddit
@agcoeficiente10, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of holovision.hypno
