It's so important to keep children's health in mind!
They need it more than anyone, and a good health will benefit them all their lives!
A good start is everything :)Hi @missdeli! I accidentally came across this post and I love the idea!
I featured this post in ListNerds, and hope that more people will visit because of it.
Maybe some will contribute too!
Well done @missdeli!
Check out Listnerds below if you haven't yet :)
Hey there @misslasvegas ! I am so sorry for this late reply, I missed your comment (together with some more) but I'm happy to read it now.
Thank you kindly for your support, it means a lot! I will definitely try to push this community forward as it's one of my great passions, health and teaching kids...😍
I will check on listnerds, thank you again!
Cheers from Romania 💗