(3/10/24) Cuban Musical News and a Giveaways (ESP-ENG)

Negro Gris Naranja Minimalista Foto Música Miniatura YouTube.jpg

La Noticia de la Farándula del día/ Celebrity News of the Day


Foto extraida de aqui

Buenas amigos de hive y de Rising Star que tal se encuentran, un saludo para todos, hoy un poco tarde pero aquí estamos así que no nos demoramos y pasemos a seguir actualizandonos de lo último y más pegado de la música cubana y sus mejores artistas del momento actual.

Good friends of hive and Rising Star how are you, greetings to all, today a little late but here we are so we do not delay and let's continue updating us on the latest and hottest of Cuban music and its best artists of the moment.

Hoy es un día triste para toda Cuba, y para los amantes del arte, de la música y en especial todos los que seguimos a José Manuel Carvajal Zaldívar más conocido en el mundo artístico como "El Taiguer", tenemos noticias del mismo y no son para nada buenas, se acaba de informar que el artista se encuentra hospitalizado luchando por su vida en la ciudad de miami, confirman varias fuentes que el mismo intentó suicidarce, ahora se encuentra reportado como crítico, esperemos que pueda salir adelante.

Today is a sad day for all Cuba, and for the lovers of art, music and especially for all of us who follow José Manuel Carvajal Zaldívar better known in the artistic world as "El Taiguer", we have news about him and they are not good at all, it has just been reported that the artist is hospitalized fighting for his life in the city of Miami, several sources confirm that he tried to commit suicide, now he is reported as critical, we hope he can pull through.

Hoy en honor a este gran cantante vamos a compartir algo de su arte, un tema que es un estrena de hace pocas semanas, la canción lleva por título "Rulay", Rulay esta disponible en todas las plataformas de los artistas tanto a nivel nacional como internacional son más de 165 mil visualizaciones con las que el videoclip dirigido por Bladi ya cuenta en la plataforma de YouTube.

Today in honor of this great singer we are going to share some of his art, a song that is a premiere a few weeks ago, the song is titled "Rulay", Rulay is available on all platforms of artists both nationally and internationally are more than 165 thousand views with which the video clip directed by Bladi already has on the YouTube platform.

Bueno amigos esto es todo, como decía un día triste, así que desde nuestro querido hive aprovechamos y mandamos un mensaje de apoyo. Saludos hasta la próxima y mucha suerte en nuestro sorteo diario ✌🏻

Well friends this is all, as I said a sad day, so from our dear hive we take the opportunity and send a message of support. Greetings until next time and good luck in our daily raffle ✌🏻


Buenas buskerianos amantes de el mejor juego de hive, nuestro querido RisingStar, un día hermoso para hacer nuestro sorteo diario de la jugosa suma de 10000 starbits a algún afortunado. Pero bueno no demoramos más el asunto y veamos quien es el dichoso ganador de este premio. Saludos y espero que lo disfruten.

Good morning buskerianos lovers of the best hive game, our beloved RisingStar, a beautiful day to make our daily draw of the juicy sum of 10000 starbits to some lucky person. But well let's not delay the matter any longer and let's see who is the lucky winner of this prize. Greetings and I hope you enjoy it.



Reglas del sorteo:

•Solo basta con comentar tu nombre de usuario de Rising Star y listo incluir @.

•No es necesario seguirme para ser incluido , pero el apoyo es bienvenido.

•⬆️ Upvotes , 📢 Reblogs y 💸 Tips NO son obligatorios en absoluto, ¡pero se agradecen enormemente si se realizan!

•Propina en #PIZZA 🍕,💚 #PGM, 💖 #LUV,🧡 #HBIT,🤣 #LOLZ es especialmente bienvenida y muy probablemente sea devuelto el gesto.

•Usaré el selector de comentarios HiveTools o AppSorteos para determinar el ganador.

Giveaway Rules:

Just comment on your Rising Star username and you're ready to include @.

•You don't need to follow me to be included, but support is welcome.

•⬆️ Upvotes , 📢 Reblogs and 💸 Tips are NOT required at all, but are greatly appreciated if done!

•Tipping at #PIZZA 🍕,💚 #PGM, 💖 #LUV,🧡 #HBIT,🤣 #LOLZ is especially welcome and will most likely be returned.

•I'll use the HiveTools comment picker or AppSorteos to determine the winner.


Ganador del sorteo anterior/ Winner of the previous draw




Les deseo mejor suerte en la próxima los anteriores participantes /
I wish you better luck in the next one the previous participants

•Si usted no quiere ser mencionado dejarlo saber en los comentarios.

•If you don't want to be mentioned let me know in the comments.

•Son todos bienvenidos a unirse a nuestra comunidad de telegram Rising Star Hispano

LinkedIn Banner Amarillo Monocromo Foto.jpg

•Los separadores y banners son editados por mi en canva.

The dividers and banners are edited by me in canva.



Count me in

IGN @olaf.gui

@sieghard !HBIT !LUV !LOLZ


Success! @ricardoeloy(2/1) You mined .9 HBIT and the user you replied to received .1 HBIT on your behalf. You can receive 100% of the HBIT by replying to one of your own posts or comments. When you mine HBIT, you're also playing the Wusang: Isle of Blaq game. 🏴‍☠️

Sorry, but you didn't find a bonus treasure token today. Try again tomorrow...they're out there! You can see your random number generated in the Discord server, #hbit-wusang-log channel. | tools | wallet | discord | community | daily <><

Check for bonus treasure tokens by entering your username at a block explorer explorer A, explorer B, or take a look at your wallet. Read about Hivebits (HBIT) or read the story of Wusang: Isle of Blaq.

What do you call a religious ceremony with one person?
Single service.

Credit: reddit
@sieghard1990, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ricardoeloy



Success! @sieghard1990(2/1) You mined .9 HBIT and the user you replied to received .1 HBIT on your behalf. You can receive 100% of the HBIT by replying to one of your own posts or comments. When you mine HBIT, you're also playing the Wusang: Isle of Blaq game. 🏴‍☠️

Sorry, but you didn't find a bonus treasure token today. Try again tomorrow...they're out there! You can see your random number generated in the Discord server, #hbit-wusang-log channel. | tools | wallet | discord | community | daily <><

Check for bonus treasure tokens by entering your username at a block explorer explorer A, explorer B, or take a look at your wallet. Read about Hivebits (HBIT) or read the story of Wusang: Isle of Blaq.

Breaking news: a pygmy shaman is being pursued by the authorities
That's right be on the lookout for a small medium at large.

Credit: reddit
@ricardoeloy, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of sieghard1990



Thank you so much for the STARBITS! ❤️
!LUV ❤️

Why is a timer like a scale?
They both measure wait.

Credit: reddit
@ricardoeloy, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of amaari

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP


What’s the difference between ignorance and apathy?
I don’t know and I don’t care.

Credit: reddit
@amaari, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ricardoeloy

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

Count me in.
IGN: @vaynard86
!Gif thank you

Why was the river rich?
Because it had two banks.

Credit: reddit
@ricardoeloy, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of vaynard86




I have kleptomania.
When it gets bad I have to take something for it.

Credit: reddit
@vaynard86, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ricardoeloy

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

count me in please

Pls count me in.

Hey Ricardo! I just like to report you that you got into my daily promotion (with16 actions today). I hope you will benefit from it!

Thank you for your community building action & see you later...


count me in




count me in @jfang003 !PIZZA


$PIZZA slices delivered:
ricardoeloy tipped henruc
ricardoeloy tipped jfang003
amaari tipped ricardoeloy
ricardoeloy tipped amaari
middle-earthling tipped ricardoeloy
@ricardoeloy(4/15) tipped @middle-earthling
jfang003 tipped ricardoeloy

Quiero participar

add me pls @ladymisa :)

Count me in again 👍🏻 Thanks! @blitzzzz

Congrats @amaari
Please add me again.
@middle-earthling 🍺🍕☕